Sentences with phrase «spew more hate»

He won't show up until we lose so he can spew more hate around.

Not exact matches

Yet they spew hate and throw judgment around seemingly more pronounced than anyone else.
I don't know which more ignorant: The bigots here spewing their hate or the non-bigots thinking that a logical argument will change minds.
I can't support the level of threat he faces now, any more than I can support the level of hate he spewed.
@ # $ ing worry about it, it'll happen when it happens, be a good person all the time and you won't have to friggin worry about it... People like this that spew ignorance do more disservice to the Christian faith than any Athiest or Christian hating group EVER COULD!
LOL here are a few...» Hey dipstick, Trollolololololol, religious babble, written by someone with a far better knowledge of the world than bronze age goat herders living in the desert, what a moron, hate speech, Christianity is by definition bigotry, you are more likely parroting some nonsensical drivel your pastor spewed forth, supersti tious nonsense, staggeringly arrogant of you, absurd, Your god is a monster.
Just what this world needs, more liberal Democrats spewing unchecked hate, likely inciting future violence against those failing to bow to their totalitarian green - dreams.
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