Sentences with phrase «spinal cord damage»

Loss of movement and sensation are common results of spinal cord damage.
If you've suffered spinal cord damage because of a medical mistake, you may have a medical malpractice claim.
Trauma, infection, or reduced nutrient supply can easily cause brain or spinal cord damage resulting in poor muscle function.
If such a treatment can be developed, it would address the single biggest concern of stroke victims, as well as those with chronic spinal cord damage.
Early evaluation by a doctor can go a long way in preventing long - term spinal cord damage.
A car accident could also lead to irreversible spinal cord damage.
Complete spinal cord damage can often result in paralysis.
Truly, there is no such thing as minor spinal cord damage.
If the event of a car accident where you believe the injured person could be at risk of spinal cord damage, call 911 immediately for further instruction.
The findings suggest that an agent — either p45 or another disrupting molecule — that can effectively break the p75 pair could offer a possible therapy for spinal cord damage.
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Injuries involving spinal cord damage have the potential to lead to severe nerve damage.
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Jackson was slowed by malaria in 2008, and in 2009, she suffered spinal cord damage from «a virus I picked up in the Congo.»
In a study using mice, Dr. Michael Sofroniew and colleagues found that the glial scar tissue that forms after spinal cord damage might actually favor nerve cell regeneration.
Degenerative myelopathy is thought to be an autoimmune disease that attacks the central nervous system of patients, leading to a loss of insulation around the nerve fibres (a process called «demyelization») and progressive spinal cord damage.
Traumatic spinal cord damage (damage caused by injury), can occur instantly or it can develop over time.
Catastrophic accident victims have enough to deal with while they try to heal from injuries like severe burns, paralyzing spinal cord damage, amputated limbs, disabling back problems, shattered and / or broken bones or severely disfiguring wounds is a full - time occupation.
Incomplete spinal cord damage can be especially complex, and the long - term prognosis will always depend on the specific nature of the injury.
Herniated discs or spinal cord damage also are often seen in people who have been rear - ended.
These wounds can include traumatic brain injury (TBI), severe spinal cord damage, amputation, and many others.
These injuries can range from mild to moderate pain levels which last several days to several weeks to spinal cord damage which can lead to permanent paralysis on the most severe end or reduced sensation, numbness or tingling, muscle weakness, limited mobility and pain in the arms and legs on the less severe side.
Spinal cord damage often creates a displacement of spinal disc elements or causes serious bruising of the spinal cord tissue.
Any incident that compresses, fractures, crushes, or dislocates vertebrae can result in spinal cord damage.
Below is her magnetic resonance imagining (MRI) used for surgical planning and to evaluate for spinal cord damage.
Spinal or brain tumours, intervertebral disc disease («slipped disc»), lumbo - sacral stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal), and fibrocartilaginous embolic myelopathy (a piece of disc material plugs a blood vessel causing spinal cord damage) can all lead to hind end paresis or paralysis.
At Polinsky Law Group LLC, Attorneys At Law, in Hartford, Connecticut, our personal injury attorneys provide a wealth of knowledge, resources and extensive experience handling complex accident injury cases involving spinal cord damage, brain injury and other types of catastrophic injuries.
Some studies have shown that regular exercise may help to delay atrophy and slow the progression of spinal cord damage — a healthy diet is also beneficial as is the maintenance of a healthy bodyweight.
Overactive MHCI expression might also drive the harmful synaptic pruning that follows injury to neural tissue after stroke or spinal cord damage.
The government money will be allocated to two areas: rare or incurable diseases for which there is little incentive for private investment, such as spinal cord damage; and common chronic conditions, such as arthritis, for which the aim is to help South Korean companies to capture part of the large potential market for treatments.
Although the research indicates it may someday be possible to regenerate neurons from the body's own cells to repair traumatic brain injury or spinal cord damage or to treat conditions such as Alzheimer's disease, the researchers stressed that it is too soon to know whether the neurons created in these initial studies resulted in any functional improvements, a goal for future research.
The vertebral column or backbone consists of a series of small bones that protect the spinal cord any damage to the spinal cord will affect the movement of body and limbs, also feeling of touch and pain.
Recently, a direct relationship has been described between central neuropathic pain and objective markers of spinal cord damage.
The X-rays were negative, no spinal cord damage was done; however we were advised of some possible neurological issues due to trauma in the skull area.
Although modern medicine is unable to completely heal a person who suffers severe back, neck or spinal cord damage, various treatment options, such as surgery and rehabilitation, can prevent further injury and help patients return to a semi-normal life.
As Elizabeth, New Jersey accident lawyers, we fight for the victims of car and truck accidents that suffer with catastrophic injuries like traumatic brain injury, spinal cord damage or burns.
Accident injuries can range anywhere from minor scrapes and bruises to severe brain or spinal cord damage.
However, spinal cord damage is irreversible.
40 % of motorcycle accidents happen to riders that aren't wearing a helmet or other safety equipment, so the incidence of traumatic brain injury, spinal cord damage, massive tissue loss, and eye injuries is high.
Injuries can include amputation, spinal cord damage, and brain stem damage.
Spinal cord damage, whether it is permeant or temporary, is always a serious injury.
Motorcycle accidents often result in a wide range of catastrophic injuries, including fractures, brain injuries, spinal cord damage and serious burn injuries.
A victim who has been involved in an accident with a commercial truck may experience serious injuries, such as traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord damage, crush injuries, fractured or broken bones, or even death.
Broken bones, spinal cord damage, brain trauma, coma, or even death can be inflicted in a collision.
We have experience representing clients who have suffered paralysis, traumatic brain injury, broken bones, spinal cord damage, burn injuries, disfigurement and other serious injuries.
Spinal cord damage is not reversible, but a progressive condition can be slowed with appropriate treatment or surgery.
Construction accidents can cause severe brain and spinal cord damage, amputations, and other life - altering or permanent injuries that may require long - term treatment and rehabilitation.
Motorcycle accidents tend to result in especially serious injuries, including broken bones, head trauma, and spinal cord damage.
Motorists who sustain brain and spinal cord damage, broken bones and disfiguring injuries in car accidents receive the aggressive advocacy they deserve — from the Corry Law Firm.
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