Sentences with phrase «spinal flexor»

The rectus abdominis is the primary spinal flexor owing to its attachments that extend across the middle of the abdomen, while the external oblique is the primary spinal rotator and lateral flexor.
The abdominal muscles function as spinal flexors, rotators and lateral flexors, as well producing spinal stiffness and stability.

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This revealed that the DMRT3 - neurons cross the midline of the spinal cord and thus connect the left with the right side, and also have a direct connection with motor neurons that control flexor and extensor muscles.
In much simpler words, the core is a collection of muscles which stabilize and move the spine, including the inner core (diaphragm, pelvic floor, multifidus, cervical flexors and transverse abdominis) and the outer core (the rectus abdominis, spinal erectors, the obliques, quadratus lumborum and hip flexors).
It consists of the inner core muscles, such as the diaphragm, pelvic floor and transverse abdominus, which lie deep inside the abdomen and are the first to engage to protect the spine during heavy resistance training; the outer core muscles, including the abs, lats, spinal erectors, glutes and hip flexors, that generate movement and have an important stability function during high - speed activities.
6:30 - 8:30 pm with Mike Dynie $ 35 + hst Earlybird ($ 40 + hst after Nov 23rd) 10 key things you need to know to improve your backbends and move to more advanced backbends, including hip flexor releases, accessing spinal extension, strength and stability.
For most, anterior pelvic tilt can be corrected over time since it is caused by tightness in the hip flexors, quadriceps and spinal erectors or weakness in the glutes and hamstrings.
Pilates helped Alyssa gain the strength to maintain proper pelvic and spinal alignment and taught her how to work properly and avoid further straining of her hip flexors.
The fish pose provides a gentle stretch to the spinal cord, hip flexors, stimulates the abdomen, increases blood flow to the pelvic region, and diminishes lower back pain.
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