Sentences with phrase «spine as»

Raul felt a cold shiver run down his spine as the young woman opened a can of South American pecan oil.
Our goal is to restore health to every person by establishing correct alignment in their spine as their foundation, then encouraging other healthy habits and activities to achieve their full health potential.
Our goal is to restore health to every person by establishing correct alignment in their spine as their foundation, then encouraging other healthy habits and activities to achieve their full health potential.
The thought of it sent a shiver down my spine as I worked furiously to rid myself of this chore.
The Zero Gravity Perfect Chair removes any kind of pressure from the spine as well as the hips, knees and joints.
When the spinal cord is injured, it can result in fluid buildup inside the spine as well as bleeding and swelling.
A swathe of black in - form cards always sends chills down the spine as the team sheets are revealed and seeing Emile Heskey leading the line perhaps even more so.
A shiver runs down your spine as your body remembers the recent dramatic events that your mind can not or will not recall.
Each side bears a sharp protruding spine as well as spines on part of the pincer legs.
You can also stretch the spine as outlined above.
While it is true that no dog affected with a spinal disease should be bred from, there is a great deal of variance in the appearance of a French Bulldog's spine as compared to, for example, a Labrador Retriever.
I had goose bumps up and down my spine as I read it for the first time.
If you're self - publishing a physical book, make sure you put your title, author's name, and a mini-cover on the spine as well.
It is an amazing story of coincidence and escape and it sent shivers down my spine as she told it.
An ebook cover is generally just the front cover, NOT the spine as well.
You'll put the logo on the spine as well as on the back cover of your book.
Straight away you get a tingle down your spine as the engine roars into life.
We had the car with the regular setup, not the stiffened up sport option, but if you don't live opposite an autobahn, then you'd best avoid that option, as it will not be anywhere near as kind to your spine as the standard setup.
Despite the firmer suspension (double - wishbone layout in front and a multi-link in the rear), the Abarth's ride seems to be little easier on the spine as well, though neither it nor the Miata provide anything approaching pillowy.
Soon we're back down to a measly 47 - mpg average, and a shiver runs down our spine as the Aspire comes to mind.
A chill went down my spine as I saw in attendance Dr. Darren Woodruff, chair of the DC Public Charter School Board.
When Metschurat is on screen you get a slight shiver up your spine as though the devil himself were on the screen (and for anyone who knows their history; Goebbels very well could have been the devil incarnate).
Well - observed social scenarios make up the narrative spine as a 27 - year - old dancer tries to go her own way without alienating everyone or selling herself short.
Exhale: Pull your abs in, taking your belly button down toward your spine as you curl your head and shoulders up to the tips of the shoulder blades.
If you have back problems keep the spine as straight as possible.
I sometimes see the «center» of my spine like the eye of a hurricane in twists: Even though in reality I know that there is rotation in my whole spine, imagining the center of my spine as a still, quiet space my body turns around seems to deepen the pose for me.
Inhale and tuck the belly button up into the spine as you straighten the legs (keep knees bent if you have neck or shoulder injuries), sending the hips high.
Your core muscles are needed to stabilize your spine as you lift the heavy weight above your head.
Game Guidelines: Try to keep the spine as neutral as possible when leaning forward from the supporting ankle and returning to a standing position.
Keep the full extension of the spine as you extend the arms overhead.
This lengthening and lifting action in your tailbone will begin to open your groins and give you space to create what feels like a circular action in your pelvis that lengthens your lumbar spine as you backbend.
Maintain this connection and slowly articulate the spine as you peel the pelvis up.
It can correct minor postural defects of the lower spine as the tail bone is pushed down to touch the ground.
Poor posture has a physical effect on our back and spine as we know, but it may also have an impact on optimum functioning of the gut.
Work on maintaining control of the spine as the glutes activate from the mobility of the hip.
If you are tight in the hamstrings and therefore the hips, and if you're feeling pressured by your own ego (or even a teacher), you can easily lose your balance and critical extension in your spine as you try to place your bottom hand on the floor and twist open into the full expression of the pose.
Observe the nice stretch in your shoulders and spine as well as the strength you're using to lift up away from the floor.
Remember to round your spine as much as possible in this pose, inhaling into the back body: the hips and kidneys, the lower back, the mid-back, and the upper back, into the cervical vertebrae.
Imagine your spine as the «staff» at the vertical core of your torso, rooted firmly in the Earth, the support and pivot of all you do.
Think about keeping your head, spine and hips aligned and making your spine as long as possible.
Press the tips of the shoulder blades in toward your spine as you twist.
Use your core muscles by pulling your navel towards your spine as you practice leg lifts.
Straighten your spine as you press your chest a little closer towards the thighs.
Without raising or tensing your chest or shoulders, GENTLY draw your belly button back towards your spine as you slowly exhale.
It's critical to warm up the spine as we go into a practice.
Having a strong lower back is just as important to a healthy spine as having strong abdominal muscles, so do not neglect your lower back muscles.
They stabilize the spine as the primary function.
Try to lengthen your spine as you come upward.
Exhale: Keep your abdominals lifted as you release the arc, lengthening your spine as your torso returns to the mat in a sequential way: low - belly, mid-belly, low - ribs and so on.
In order to properly roll out of the handstand position start in the same position as you did in section 2 with your head on the ground and your hands slightly in front of your face, instead of kicking up to a full headstand kick up and curl your spine as if you're trying to bring your knees into your chest and simply do a somersault rolling over onto your back.This will properly prepare you if you find yourself over balancing in your freestanding handstand.Next, work on your freestanding balance and body position through practicing the freestanding headstand.
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