Sentences with phrase «spinning blades»

Centrifugal juicers are high - speed machines that extract by shredding the fruit or vegetables with spinning blades, before straining it against metal mesh to separate seeds and pith from juice.
The Vortex wind generator represents a fairly radical break with conventional wind turbine design, in that it has no spinning blades (or any moving parts to wear out at all), and looks like nothing more than a giant straw that oscillates in the wind.
As you can see, the spinning blades don't uniformly point in the same direction as one might expect, but rather show smaller diverse patterns and paths of the breeze.
This is eight times higher than the ambient night - time noise level of a rural area, and it also does not account for the impact of low frequency noise emitted by the spinning blades.
Sooner or later, say the environmentalists, somebody may find out how to deter birds of prey from flying into spinning blades.
The rapidly spinning blades of huge wind turbines have an effect on their surroundings, and it goes beyond aesthetics.
Birds perceive areas traveled by spinning blades as open space, unaware that blade tips are moving at up to 180 mph.
«Opposition is due to a variety of reasons including scenic and property value impairment, noise, bird kills, flicker effects of spinning blades after sunrise and before sunset, potential safety hazards from blade and ice throws, interference with telecommunications, and higher costs of electricity.»
«In 2010, this number peaked, with 34 % of the installed turbines never spinning their blades,» said Lam.
The groups — the American Bird Conservancy and the Biodiversity Conservation Alliance — told the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in a 15 - page letter released Wednesday that between 46 and 64 golden eagles would likely be killed every year by the spinning blades of 1,000 wind turbines planned by the Power Company of Wyoming.»
Offshore wind farms are finally coming to the United States but don't expect to see spinning blades off the shores of California any time soon.
-- Millions of birds die in the spinning blades.
Traversing its frustratingly difficult levels of spinning blades and spiny needles requires skills of the highest twitchiness.
In this environment of blood - soaked walls, spinning blades, spikes, ghouls and HP Lovecraft references, the curriculum is simple: play if you dare, and survive if you can.
The traps are as varied and bizarre as the weapons, with standouts being the linked Tesla trap, the Pyro, and the Spinning Blades as my personal favorites.
On hit, both spinning blades will have a hitbox which prevents enemies from meleeing you, or shooting physical projectiles to interrupt you.
The train can be customised with a variety of weapons and armed passengers in order to combat foes such as drones, artillery shells, and other trains with giant spinning blades of death.
There are a few «puzzles» and mysterious places to find, but we won't have the usual room by room filed with firetraps and spinning blades.
Decapitate the undead with spinning blades, fry them to a crisp with fire traps, crush them with a well - placed boulder and more!
You will be using these because once you hit World 2 - 3, you will have stages where you can only traverse the hazards by using the physics to your advantage, giving you situations where the only way to jump through a narrow space between two spinning blades is by jumping at a certain angle and applying a dash mechanic in mid-jump at a certain point to come through, unscathed.
Being sheep they have a tendency to simply plod forth into whatever danger awaits them, falling straight off cliffs and walking into spinning blades with reckless abandon, the blood, gore and pained bleats of their fellows failing to perturb the rest of the herd.
He body slams some and hits them with steel chairs, then draws them into those spinning blades that make them mulch.
He's on Terror Is Reality too, but his challenge is to beat back a wrestling ring full of zombies, ideally using the spinning blades in each of the ring's corners to his benefit.
There are different types of weapons: manned weapons like mortars and turrets, and automated trap weapons, like spinning blades and plates that make the creatures trip.
for example, at one part the 2 main characters are on top of a moving helicopter and manage not to fall off by running in place super fast on the spinning blades.
The fast spinning blades of a centrifugal juicer generate heat and can oxidize and destroy some of the vitamins and enzymes in the juice.
Reduced juice quality due to fast spinning blades producing heat that destroy beneficial enzymes
It can also throw off the balance of a wind turbine's spinning blades, putting tremendous forces on shafts and machinery, leading to failures or shut - downs.
Jellies explode in beige puffs as they are sucked into the spinning blades.
Could purple wind turbines decrease the carnage wreaked in the night by looming towers with spinning blades on Halloween's iconic flying mammals?
Instead of worrying about spinning blades, this is much lighter and easier to control.
In comparison to turbojet and turbofan engines, which have high thrust levels, ramjet and scramjet engines are simpler in design as they lack rotating components (and therefore do not have major moving parts such as spinning blades).
You have two choices: find a smaller one or overturn a lawnmower and toss a full - size pumpkin onto the spinning blades.
After all, they all use spinning blades to turn solid food into, well, not - solid food.
For the food processor, it'll work better if you double or even triple this recipe; one yolk isn't quite enough volume for the spinning blade to reach successfully.
Electric slicers use a spinning blade to cut meat.
Someone — no need to name names, here — for many years used a $ 20 spice mill to grind her coffee, shaking it around in the air in the hopes that she'd cause the spinning blade to create similarly sized coffee bean shards.
Dermabrasion is just like laser surgery except for that instead of a laser your dermatologist will use a sanding tool that is basically a metal brush or a diamond tipped spinning blade to remove the layer of skin scarred by acne so that a new layer of skin can grow back in its place
Turn food processor or Vitamix on, and slowly pour olive oil onto spinning blade, allowing oil to be emulsified into dressing as you pour
• Outtake, such as green and pink toy horse heads • Horror, for some shots of those wrestling - ring spinning blade devices • Brutality, for a photo of blenders that can be stuck on zombies» heads • Erotica, for the poster of a woman's bust labeled Juggz and for long plastic objects Leigh called «massagers»
A jump in to begin, followed by a grounded combo, then a spinning blade rush, setting the enemies up with a wide sweep that will neatly position them all in front of me, finished by overwhelming special moves.
Look down on all of your foes as the GIANT KING and conquer the enemy castle with gigantic skills such as Double Tomahowk and Spinning Blade!
Later down the line, I was ambushed by a trap which saw a chain pulling my character by the leg toward a spinning blade trap.
There are some nice weapon features including an ability to create a spinning blade to help defend while you are concentrating on enemies elsewhere.

Not exact matches

The mistletoe then apparently became caught in Benvenuto's hair, causing further damage to her nose and chin as the drone's blades continued to spin.
I bought some blades and took it for a spin.
Flashing red is for pre-run, and solid red indicates blade is spinning and ready to slice.
Allow the grain mill to process the rice into flour, or turn the blender or food processor to high and keep the blades spinning until a fine powder is produced.
I had to hack it out one tiny piece at a time and eventually soak it in a hot water bath to even loosen it enough to get it out of the processor as the blade had spun out a hollowed space under the frozen mass... anyway it was a huge pain, I would say heat the fruit up first
Yet this isn't an option when using a food processor or immersion blender, as the blades are already spinning as fast as they can go.
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