Sentences with phrase «spirit of mutual respect»

Democratic marriages in which the couple strives to develop a basic spirit of mutual respect and equality tend to bring conflict to the surface and out into the open where it can be wrestled with.
I will be more careful about the origin of material I post on my blog and Facebook, and welcome opportunities for discussion with members of the Jewish community to move forwards in a spirit of mutual respect.
Good point... a spirit of mutual respect and dialogue.
«In the spirit of mutual respect and flourishing for all in the Church of England, we offer our prayers and good wishes to Libby on her appointment as Bishop of Stockport.
Which is why it is always freeing to have a healthy slef criticism and openness to differeing views as much as it is to challenge others views, in a spirit of mutual respect and value for the other.
I enjoy healthy debate done in a spirit of mutual respect.
I assure her of the full co-operation of my government as a genuine and trusted partner so that, together, the Executive and the Judiciary can co-operate in a spirit of mutual respect to realise the welfare and progress of our people,» he said.
Appearing on the Andrew Marr show yesterday, David Lidington - aka «the prime minister's effective deputy» - urged Conservative MPs to «come together in a spirit of mutual respect».
Rather than competing with existing institutions, our goal is to join hands in the spirit of mutual respect and equality in dignity to create something much more powerful than what we would accomplish if we worked independently.
At a Shanker Institute event in February, I'd told a skeptical audience that the people I know at education foundations are smart, well - intentioned, and entirely willing to hear from critics, so long as criticism is offered up constructively and in a spirit of mutual respect.
Conversations around our shared history must take place in a spirit of mutual respect and trust, founded on evidence - based truths,» said Mr Mohamed.
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