Sentences with phrase «spirit of one's age»

There is no stopping William, however, or the new spirit of the age.
One of the ironies of biblical literalism is that it shares so largely in the reductionist and literalist spirit of the age.
Evangelicals who are unwilling to be counter-cultural are going to find themselves one way or the other accommodating themselves to the feminist spirit of the age and falling short of the biblical ideal.»
He is the mouthpiece of a quite definite spirit of the age.
It also appeals very stronglyto the sentimental and emotive spirit of the age, which demands that no one ever be offended or upset, and to the increasingly deep and ferocious opposition to Christianity.
If Catholicism could at length withdraw itself from the political animosities to which it has given rise, I have hardly any doubt but that the same spirit of the age which appears to be so opposed to it would become so favourable as to admit of its great and sudden advancement.
For Christian conferences to emphasize male teachers «may not line up well with the egalitarian spirit of the age, but it does align well with scripture.»
This sconce's glittering expanse of cut crystal and elegantly sculpted shade embody the grand spirit of the age.
Greta Gerwig's upcoming Lady Bird has just received Oscar - acclaim for its celebration of those loveably awkward teenage years and the knock - kneed spirit of that age group.
Nor should one think of patrons in the abstract, like some monolithic spirit of their age.
Above all, he did not wish to be seen as representing contemporary anguish or any other spirit of his age.
If architecture reflects the spirit of an age, our megastructures and drab apartment blocks express the spirit of globalized technology, where a constant flood of new products coexists with a tedious monotony.
It was the blockbuster book of the 1980s, catching the spirit of the age in all its glittery egotism («Masters of the Universe») and cheap urban politics (the opening scene is an 80s version of «mau - mauing» that ends up exploding in chaos, not like the scripted routines Wolfe described in «Mau - Mauing the Flak Catchers» a decade earlier).
Schleiermacher's «eternal covenant» may seem noble, but it often leads to a Christian surrender to the spirit of the age.
Just as you can not serve God and mammon, you can not serve Christ and the spirit of the age.
Academia at this point is not producing true scholarship but rather, subjective trash that simply reflects the spirit of the age and tries to impose contemporary understandings on history.
But it's also nothing to be commended as a model for others, except as a cautionary tale about the effects of surrendering to the spirit of the age.
Every now and then I read something which seems to capture the spirit of the age.
The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals made its public debut in the 1996 Cambridge Declaration, which suggested that evangelicals had capitulated to the spirit of the age, and proposed a recovery of the confessional traditions of the Reformation to proclaim the gospel faithfully.
I am a layman whose prejudices are dictated by the spirit of the age, so I am particularly saddened whenever religion contradicts the fashions of thought — as it appears to do on transgender matters.
«Women's equality», «the freedom of sexual identity» and «reproductive choice» - the usual litany of the Church's crimes against the spirit of our age.
In the introductory chapter we spoke of the «secular» spirit of our age, with its insistence upon the recognition of human capacity and human responsibility and with its refusal to look to a deus ex machina who will intervene in the world to set things right when they go wrong and upon whose shoulders blame for that wrong can always be placed.
200, don't get caught up in the spirit of the age... «Rom 2:29 But he [is] a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circu mcision [is that] of the heart, in the spirit, [and] not in the letter; whose praise [is] not of men, but of God.»
Too often «reform» has been a matter of acquiescence, even surrender, to the spirit of the age.
• The maxim that he who marries the spirit of the age will soon be a widower comes to mind upon reading the report of the Episcopal Church's Standing Committee on Domestic Mission and Evangelism.
Besides, embracing remarriage would be a concession to the spirit of the age that the pain of unmet desire for sexual companionship is too great for God really to want anyone to have to bear.
(Terms like «the spirit of the age» or «the spirit of technology» provide some sort of modern analogy.)
In accord with the spirit of our age, advocates of death - by - donation establish individual autonomy and consent as the driving principle for decision - making.
Stories of real human suffering to which Christianity offers not even a word of insight, much less truth, hope, or consolation, but mere sentimental confirmation of the spirit of the age.
Kierkegaard's literature aims, to provide an antidote against the subtle poisons of the spirit of the age.
Its weakness is that it has too often surrendered to the spirit of the age.
And although Christianity may often take a wrong turning or be led astray by the spirit of the age, it may always be sure that the Spirit of God is leading it into all truth, even though that assurance may often be shattered and may have to be fought for all over again.
He was the master of translating scriptural truths into vague existential slogans that countless preachers easily manipulated into a capitulation to the spirit of the age.
In the end, the Catholic Church, not for the first time when it has defied the Spirit of the Age, will be proved right.
Alongside this question lurks another: is it even possible for us to escape from «the spirit of the age»?
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