Sentences with phrase «spirited person my belief»

I'm a free spirited person my belief is «live and let live».

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Well, yeah... and I mean if what someone is really trying to achieve with this is to reduce practices that in any way, shape or form could indicate that someone bears them or their faith ill will... I don't think publicly humiliating people who would take the time to look up your dead ancestor's name and then take the time to drive to a temple and then get immersed in water on their behalf so that they (by their belief) have the option to accept your religion post mortem is really misguided and contrary to the spirit of freedom of religion in what it advocates.
When you compare the key person or founder, date, location; key writings; who is God; who is Jesus; who is the Holy Spirit; how to be saved (salvation); what happens after death; and other facts, beliefs, or practices you will learn why Mormonism is deem a cult and not part of the Christian faith.
Do you feel a person without any belief in gods or spirits can have an inner life anything like yours?
The text indicates Paul's belief that they are relevant to persons, 1) who share a new life in fellowship with Christ, 2) who are open to and are guided by God's Spirit, and 3) who live with an expectation that the Christ event includes a final fulfillment of God's loving purpose.
Neville you are right in that sense that the holy spirit or anti christ is not mentioned however the whole book is about the return of Jesus and the rise of the anti christ so it is logical to believe that the one being restrained is the man of sin or anti christ.I believe it is the anti christ and the restrainer is the holy spirit that is working through believers.It comes down to personal belief but This article covers all the options What do you believe about preaching the Gospel to all nations and then the Lord will return at this point in time i believe there is around 2000 unreached people groups.brentnz
It is my belief that unless we feel genuine affection for the person, it is not the Spirit leading us to speak to someone who is «caught in * sin *.»
The common faith of the church — even though it is expressed in terms of belief about the person — rests always, and only, upon the common memory of the event and the common experience of the Spirit.
I keep reassuring people who say that the flesh is meaningless and weak, and that only the spirit counts for anything, that they should act on their beliefs, pray up a storm of requests for forgiveness, and then do themselves (and, not so incidentally, the rest of us) a favor by killing themselves.
Belief that God is tripersonal (i.e., that Father, Son, and Spirit, though three distinct persons, are nevertheless one God) is one of the oldest and most distinctive beliefs of the Christian religion.
It is dangerous to believe in «evil spirtis, demons» etc. since belief in that which there is no evidence for sometimes causes people to do stupid things, like try to remove whatever spirits someone thinks are there.
In my role as a «public Christian» who leads a church and who values spirited discourse about the issues of our time, I want to nurture environments where people can openly wrestle with their beliefs — but without the fear of being caricatured, labeled or demonized.
You see, Alan Miller, I don't need a lot of other people agreeing with me to validate my own beliefs, I'm strong enough in mind and spirit to stand without having to be a part of a communal sing along.
On this day, we offer a prayer of thanks that so many people of faith have chosen to join us in the spirit that animates so many religions: the golden rule to do unto others what you would like them to do unto you, and a belief in equity, charity, and the elimination of unnecessary suffering in the world.
Other passages in the New Testament seem to indicate that the Spirit regenerates, indwells, baptizes, and seals a person immediately upon their belief in Jesus for eternal life.
To put this in Niebuhrian terms: converting people to Christianity without Paul's background of Hebrew radical monotheism would be converting them to a sort of henotheism, a belief in Jesus as a kind of «guardian spirit
When a person becomes a Christian, they do so through the saving KNOWLEDGE of Christ which get incorporated into their faith and belief system, and through Baptism and infusion of the Holy Spirit continues to cause regeneration in the life of a person until they die, and inherit eternal life.
It comes rather from his belief that consistent, expository preaching of the whole of Scripture will be used by the Spirit to draw people to the Son.
The belief in Angels, in the Devil (Iblis), and Jinn (Djin in Indonesian) understandably gives pre-Islamic belief in invisible beings, in good or evil spirits or powers, the opportunity to continue in existence among the people.
Words like «magic», «belief», «spirit», «bad luck» and so on, are what Wenger and his deepest supporters keep repeating, but in reality the league is not won by magicians, but by the people with the best formula of quality and hard work, and we do have the quality.
Share your family's beliefs about what happens to a person's soul or spirit after death.
«The ever greater centralisation of power beyond the democratic control of the people is not in keeping with the needs of the twenty - first century; it is against the spirit of our age; it diminishes our ability to pursue our own global relationships, and in its lack of accountability and legitimacy it goes against our fundamental belief that people should only be led and governed with their consent.»
Although bodybuilding is now more popular than ever, when such beliefs spread around less and less people are able to get in touch with the real spirit of bodybuilding — the desire to improve and evolve, both physically and mentally, through disciplining the body and mind.
In a masterwork that both deepens and enlarges the world of her previous novels set on the same reservation, Louise Erdrich captures the essence of a time and the spirit of a woman who felt compelled by her beliefs to serve her people as a priest.
Langrish approaches her fantasies as «history with the beliefs put back in» — incorporating the beliefs of people of the past who took for granted the existence of trolls, ghosts, and other spirits.
The people are lovely with a dry and dark sense of humor and a deep belief in spirits, which is fitting for a place where the landscape feels like a presence.
Discussing his interest in light as a source of understanding the world, the artist notes how the hypnotic Fireworks (Archives)-- created around the wake of the 2014 Thai military coup — reveals the relationship of light to the beyond hidden contexts of Thailand's Northeastern political memory and beliefs, as well as the silent, rebellious spirit of the people.
Rooted in museum founder Duncan Phillips's belief in bringing together «congenial spirits among the artists from different parts of the world and from different periods of time,» Conversations demonstrates his conviction that art is a universal language and advances one of the Phillips's primary institutional goals — to foster a global conversation and enliven exchange among people of all backgrounds through the language of modern and contemporary art.
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