Sentences with phrase «spirits of the dead»

No, I would not necessarily believe them, because if they are spirits of dead persons, already passed on, I am not sure they would be telling the truth.
These men, as well as the underwater beings leading the rain animals, can best be interpreted as spirits of the dead.
The title has a dual meaning: in addition to featuring many extinct animals, Madagascar's signature lemurs were named after lemures — spirits of the dead in Roman mythology.
This year Hughes also participated in Tiger Tiger at Salon 94, New York Configurations at Coburn Projects in London, Sprawl at the High Museum of Art in Atlanta, Abstract Horizons at Gredier Contemporary in Zurich, Spirit of the Dead Watching at Devening Projects in Chicago and Pat Berran, Melissa Brown, Andy Coolquitt, Stacy Fisher, Shara Hughes at MASS Gallery in Austin, Texas.
While Spirits of the Dead doesn't do much justice to Poe's source material, fans of bizarre French cinema should have a pretty good time.
«The Fades: Season One» (BBC) is Britain's latest foray into supernatural TV, this one a palpably creepy series about spirits of the dead trapped on earth, the humans who can see them, and visions of the apocalypse.
Many ancestral «religions» (a relatively new contrived word) have not gods, just spirits of dead ancestors or places or things.
If the actual, proven spirits of dead people all testify that they know for certain that God doesn't exist, would you believe them?
«To the reverend spirits of the Dead,» inscribed one grieving widow.
Moe (Deon Richmond) is the spirited spirit of a dead 12 - year - old who looks after his extended family in the inner city.
According to the Chinese calendar, the seventh month of every year marks the time when the restless spirits of the dead break free from the gates of hell to mix among the mortals.
Like being possessed by an evil spirit of the dead, the EVIL DEAD remake is gradually dragging me further and further into the realm...
Turns out that camcorder has the ability to record spirits of the dead, and the house — as the audience already knows — is crawling with them.
(Their portmanteau film Spirits of the Dead was released first, but shot after Barbarella wrapped.)
The Whisperer is a first person paranormal investigation game in where players explore various locations and chase after spirits of the dead.
No amount of goofy CREAcrat ads will ever convince some TV watching consumer with a bad attitude toward Realtors that image erasing contrived bull shit creations designed to be funny will ever change the face of reality vis a vis the seriousness of being fraudulently / negligently mislead by some bohunk «Licensed» Realtor who belongs somewhere else selling snake oil in the Arctic to stiff spirits of the dead during an Aurora Borealis show.
Spirit of the Dead Watching: Annie Hammond Hotte, Austin Eddy, Bradley Biancardi, Tracy Thomason, Shara Hughes, Devening Projects, Chicago, IL
The word «zombie» comes from an African root word nzambi, meaning «spirit of a dead person
Episode 3, however — this is the one people talk about when they talk about Spirits of the Dead.
Let me just ask one question: Can we PLEASE start the debate in the country about how «God», «Hell», «Heaven», «Satan», «Muhammad», «Jesus», «Angels» «Ghosts» «Demons» and «Spirits of the Dead and or / Nature / Mother Earth» do not exist in any rational form as the way they are presented throughout world history?
Sorcery is a supernatural agency that claims to receive its power and wisdom from the spirits of the dead.
He has worked powerful miracles down through the ages through people who claim to receive their power from the spirits of the dead.
Therefore, God's people will reject all miracle workers and teachers who claim to receive special «light» or work miracles by contacting the spirits of the dead.
I said every born again believer has the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead living on the inside of them, and therefore had no need to be contacting the spirits of the dead.
What the atheists could do is hold a ritual in which we ask the spirit of dead Mormon if they wish to remain Mormon.
At the season of the Bon dance in mid-July — when, according to Buddhist belief, the spirits of the dead return to visit the living — Watanabe honors his father according to Buddhist custom by placing fruits before his picture, symbolically to nourish his soul.
Pulaya medicine men and witch doctors claimed secret and close communion with the spirits of the dead and performed mantravadam or sorcery.
It is true that even in pre-Israelite times there was an almost universal belief that the spirits of the dead continued to reside near their bones or in the earth beneath them.
«Paradise» is a Persian word, and it reminds us that in Jewish thought was emerging — along with the older idea that the spirits of the dead would dwell in Sheol until the final resurrection and judgment — this newer idea that the righteous went immediately to their reward after death.
Rauschenbusch wrote that on the eve of the Twentieth Century's birth, it is left to us to imagine what the Spirit of the Twentieth Century will testify in the gathering of the Spirits of the dead centuries when this one comes to a close, and what searing questions will be asked in response.
«When the Nineteenth Century died,» Rauschenbusch writes, «its Spirit descended to the vaulted chamber of the past, where the Spirits of the dead centuries sit on granite thrones together.
There is a hereafter of a more spiritual kind, in which the spirits of the dead are conceived in a more living and personal way than had been traditional in Israelite thought.
In Rauschenbusch's report, the Spirits of the dead centuries sit in silence for a while, «with troubled eyes.»
When Enoch asked why the hollow places were separated from each other, he was told, «These three have been made that the spirits of the dead might be separated.
The man widely considered to be Canada's greatest Prime Minister routinely conferred with the spirits of his dead family, including his dog.
Pulaya medicine men and witch doctors claimed secret and close communion with the spirits of the dead and performed rnantra va darn or sorcery.
The best - known example in the Old Testament tells how Saul conversed with the spirit of the dead Samuel through the mediumship of the witch of Endor.1
Karmic law will lead the spirit of the dead to be reborn, in realms which are suitable appropriate to their karmic accumulations.
~ A.D. 1000 The Sami, nomadic Scandinavian reindeer herders who live north of the Arctic Circle, believe auroras were spirits of the dead.
Offerings of food and drink by the relatives appeased the spirits of the dead in this dark and gloomy realm.
(Phrynos is Greek for toad, and Sigale Gale is a life - sized puppet used in Sumatran funerals to boost the spirits of the dead who had no surviving children.)
Alternatively, some researchers contend that they depict the shamans experience of physical transformation during a trance — when shamans enter the realm of the spirits of the dead.
As time ticks down to Halloween night, Michael, now living in a barn and urged on by the spirit of his dead mother and his younger self, is driven to seek out his sister once again.
Both are animated features steeped in the aesthetics and customs of Day of the Dead: the Mexican tradition of creating elaborate altars, painted skulls and paths of marigolds to welcome the spirits of dead loved ones for a temporary visit to the world of the living.
It just so happens that Halloween is based on the ancient feast called «All Hallows Eve» It's the one night of they year where the spirits of the dead can return to Earth.
By night, she attempts to channel the spirits of the dead, hoping to make contact with her recently deceased twin brother.
The detailed animation captures even the thin film of water on Miguel's red sweatshirt, as well as the flickering light of the candles lit to welcome the spirits of the dead to this world.
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