Sentences with phrase «spiritual orders of creation»

This is saying that the Wisdom of God is most perfectly manifest in human nature which bridges and combines both physical and spiritual orders of creation.

Not exact matches

The order of creation reads better as spiritual poetry which rings true yet I assume your issue is related to current physical and cosmological order: Let there be light, let there be atmosphere, let there be vegetation, Let there be lights to serve as signs (sun, moon etc), Let the water and sky have living creatures, Let the land have living creatures of which man was the last created then God rested from creation.
Allah has called upon man to study the universe in order that he may see and understand the wonders of His creation which confirm man's faith and lead him to spiritual and material progress.
For Holloway it is not a question of theoretical speculation, but of filling out our understanding of the majesty and meaning of our Lord Jesus Christ as the «Master Key» who unlocks the meaning of all orders of creation, material as well as spiritual.
In order to anticipate for the reader the line of argument to be followed and so to facilitate progress, it will first be urged that the concept of God's operation as an enduring, active support of cosmic reality, must be elaborated in such a way that this divine operation itself is envisaged as actively enabling finite beings themselves by their own activity to transcend themselves, and this in such a way that if the concept holds good in general, it will also hold good for the «creation of the spiritual soul» (see below, section 3a).
Like all spiritual creations, whether man or angel, our specific identity is not in ourselves or in the order of the created at all.
And while making the point about God's gifts to us, she sees the sacramental message that is written into creation itself: «Food is and always will be a sign built into the order of creation, physical nourishment that illuminates and spiritual nourishment we receive in Holy Communion... the more we see food in that light — the more we see it as a perpetual sign of God's goodness and love — the more fully we can understand the Eucharist as a holy and tremendous sacrifice in which love and gift, grace and life are bound up together.»
It turns out that Amiel («Sommersby,» «Copycat») bypasses that thorny problem by making «Creation» not about Darwin's intellectual journey but about the emotional and spiritual crises he weathered in order to write his groundbreaking book «On the Origin of Species.»
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