Sentences with phrase «spiritual redemption»

No, we're not talking spiritual redemption; we mean redemption of a property that's gone up for auction after property tax delinquency.
Powerfully depicts the flowering of spiritual redemption within a young man who has every reason to give in to despair.
It's built around whether or not you believe a self - absorbed aggressive sports agent like Jerry Maguire could overnight find spiritual redemption in his work after he has a twinge of conscience.
Almost a veteran filmmaker, Fernando Pérez, once again assumed independent production in Últimos días en La Habana (2016), which starts as a traditional Cuban comedy and constructs a drama of private and social failure and spiritual redemption with his unmistakable authorial style.
Furthermore, a metaphysical outlook, being other - worldly, is unable to show the modem world a Christian outlook which values the things of earth and sees the world as in process of spiritual redemption and transformation and presents salvation as taking place here on earth.
Or consider the report by Caryn James in the New York Times on the recent Sundance Film Festival, in which she describes the film Care of the Spitfire Grill as «a manipulatively heartwarming story about a young woman just out of prison who finds spiritual redemption
No evidence that Jesus was the son of a god, that he was resurrected, that sin exists, that we are all sinners, that there is heaven and hell, or that spiritual redemption is possible.
At the core of his narrative of spiritual redemption are his acts of violence as an angry young man — stabbing, rock throwing, brick hurling and baseball bat beating — that preceded Carson's sudden transformation into the composed figure who stands before voters today.
Rodrigo Perez, The Playlist (C --RRB-: A fascinating story, but as reimagined by screenwriter by screenwriter Nick Hornsby and director Jean - Marc Vallée («Dallas Buyers Club»), «Wild» starring Reese Witherspoon is a well - intentioned, but misguided and occasionally even garish adaptation of spiritual redemption that never connects or finds itself.
Chaptered «Psalms», the second portion of the film depicts the gunslinger's spiritual redemption.
(Shepp called jazz a «lily»; in catalogue essay, Schoonmaker explains that he chose the lotus for its Buddhist connotation of spiritual redemption, though in practice the reference seems tenuous.)
He also used the phrase «Spaceship Earth,» often coupled with a near mystical sense that leaving the Earth would inaugurate humanity's spiritual redemption.
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