Sentences with phrase «spirulina algae»

Among my favorites are brine shrimp, bloodworms, mysis shrimp, krill, spirulina algae, beef heart, squid, daphnia, mosquito larvae and the popular glass larvae.
It is derived from Spirulina algae and appears to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Some of our Bits ® like ENERGYbits ® spirulina algae will increase your energy, improve your focus and help you achieve excellence in your athletic performance.
Spirulina algae, aloe vera leaf (from 200:1 concentrate), alfalfa (leaf & stem), green tea leaf extract, barley grass, Vegetable Blend (broccoli, carrot, tomato, brussel sprout, cauliflower, beet root, celery seed, kale, spinach, radish, onion, leek, red pepper), Berry Blend (raspberry fruit extract, blueberry fruit extract, cranberry fruit extract, bilberry fruit extract, and lycium fruit extract), chlorella algae, dulse leaf, wheat grass, Seaweed Blend (kombu seaweed, nori seaweed, wakame seaweed), Probiotic Blend [Bacillus coagulans, Lactobacillus acidophilius, Lactobacillus plantarum, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Lactobacillus paracasei (250 million CFU)-RSB-
Spirulina algae may be an acquired taste for some, and it can be a bit of a challenge to take it directly with water, so spirulina tablets may be a good alternative.
Ancient Aztecs used to skim spirulina algae off the surface of lakes and dry it into cakes which serves as an important source of nutrients.
In the 1990s the family - owned company was the first to use spirulina algae to give food and beverages various shades of blues and greens by natural means.
From their site, EnergyBits are, «Made from 100 % organically grown, non-GMO spirulina algae and loaded with 40 nutrients.»

Not exact matches

Spirulina is a health - enhancing algae, composed of 62 % complete protein, which means that each spoonful of powder gives you a whole four grams of complete protein, so you'll get all the essential amino acids that the body can't produce and can sometimes be lacking in an unbalanced plant diet.
Half the fun of eating spirulina is its color, the other half is knowing its many incredible health benefits, while the swampy, algae flavor is no fun at all.
Organic Vegetable Leaves (Nettle, Freeze - Dried Kale, Spinach, Dandelion, Freeze Dried Collards), Organic Grasses (Barley Grass, Alfalfa Grass, Wheat Grass, Oat Grass) Fresh Water Algaes (Incan Spirulina, Cracked - Cell Chlorella, Organic Blue - Green Algae AFA), Organic Freeze - Dried Wheat Grass Juice, Organic Nopal Cactus, Organic Berry Blend (Freeze - Dried Maqui Berry, Freeze - Dried Acai Berry), Enzyme Complex (Papain (from papaya), Bromelain (from pineapple)-RRB-, and Organic Stevia Leaf.
Spirulina is the blue - green algae that you might find on top of a pond, and it has earned its place on the superfoods list.
Spirulina is a naturally occurring algae (cyanobacterium) that is typically sold in capsule, tablet or powder form.
A form of algae, spirulina is about 60 % protein.
Essentially, spirulina is an algae that has all the eight essential amino acids that the body needs, along with another ten non-essential amino acids.
Spirulina is a blue - green algae with a dense deep green pigment, it tastes a little bit like seaweed and pairs perfectly with cayenne and cheezy nutritional yeast.
As a sideline learned of how Spirulina rids the body of metals through research on blue green algae.
Spirulina is a blue - green algae with a dense deep green...
Half the fun of eating spirulina is its color, the other half is knowing its many incredible health benefits, while the swampy, algae...
Chlorella is related to spirulina and Klamath Lake blue - green algae, all of which share the Green Foods category with things like wheat grass, barley grass, and the juices from these plants.
Once I've strained off the cooked veg I'll add fresh minced turmeric, ginger, raw garlic, cayenne, apple cider vinegar, chlorella / spirulina / blue algae, nori and miso paste.
The blue - green algae type is a lot like the spirulina we are used to, except it's tropical blue.
It is a proprietary extract of the blue - green algae Arthrospira platensis (the green species of spirulina is called Arthrospira maxima).
Spirulina is an algae and is awesome because it contains all the essential nutrients we need.
A super healthy smoothie made of spirulina which is a highly nutritious algae with lots of benefits for the human body.
I'll admit I hate the smell of any Spirulina / green algae and the taste I despise even more.
Spirulina is also a great source of Vitamin B6, and even trace amounts of EPA and DHA omega fats (which comes directly from algae, not initially from fish).
Spirulina is a sea vegetable, specifically, it's a green superfood algae.
Pop Sugar shares: Derived from spirulina, Blue Majik is a proprietary extract of the blue - green algae Arthrospira platensis.
Spirulina is blue - green algae that is a complete protein, meaning it contains all the essential amino acids.
Spirulina, the spiral shaped algae, is 100 % natural and a highly nutritious micro salt water plant which was discovered in South American and Africa in natural alkaline lakes.
Tropical Green Detox Smoothie This smoothie recipe calls for spirulina, which is an incredibly healthy and unique algae.
Holiday Detox: The Mean Green Smoothie This mean smoothie gets its wickedly green color from spirulina powder, a type of bacteria that is known as blue - green algae.
This smoothie bowl is made with blue spirulina which is a natural blue algae.
Spirulina is actually a algae — nutritional super food.
Unlike other green superfoods like chlorella and spirulina which are algaes and often found unpalatable, it is easy to incorporate moringa into your daily routine.
That gorgeous ocean blue colour of the most Instagram worthy mermaid bowls you see is created by the blue - green algae spirulina — specifically E3Live's Blue Majik — which (by weight) has a whopping 22 times more iron than spinach, 6 times more antioxidants than blueberries, and 6 times more calcium than cow's milk.
Spirulina is a type of blue - green algae that is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and carotenoids.
Single celled algae such as chlorella and spirulina are rich in enzymatic pigments phycocyanin & phycoerythrin which help carry out essential metabolic functions.
Categories: Smoothies and Juices Tags: algae, avocado, breakfast, chia seed, coconut, green, ice cream, mermaid, smoothie, smoothie bowl, spirulina, superfood
Spirulina is derived from blue - green algae and creates a beautiful sky blue color that's both heat and light stable.
It contains nettles, kale, spinach, dandelion greens, collards, barley grass, alfalfa grass, wheat grass, oat grass, spirulina, chlorella, blue green algae, nopal cactus, maqui berry, acai berry, papaya and pineapple enzymes and stevia.
Algae like spirulina or chlorella are a great addition to your daily diet, and you can easily disguise their distinct flavor by combining them with fresh fruit, which works really well in this smoothie bowl.
Spirulina is a blue - green algae and also one of the most complete foods, with a nutritional array covering everything your body needs to be healthy and active.
Spirulina is an algae.
The new line expands upon the company's popular Green Lemonade variety with four additional offerings, each formulated with lemon juice and nutrient - dense algae - based ingredients, including chlorella and spirulina.
Meanwhile, she says, matcha, algae, and spirulina are high in chlorophyll, «which has been shown to help stabilize blood sugar, protect against free radicals, cleanse the blood, and protect against candida and other bad bacteria in the gut.»
It's SPIRULINA blue - green algae powder.
I focus on adding a variety of high quality foods to my routine like spirulina, hemp seed, blue - green algae, many different spices, herbs, barks, berries, roots, grasses, you name it I probably use it.
Some forms of algae, such as spirulina and chlorella, are remarkable nutrition sources, rich in antioxidants, minerals and B vitamins.
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