Sentences with phrase «split squat jump»

However, Struminger et al. (2013) explored the gluteus maximus EMG amplitude during a range of different lower body plyometrics exercises (180 degree jump, frontal plane hurdle hop, double leg sagittal plane hurdle hop, single leg sagittal plane hurdle hop, and split squat jump).
How to: See the split squat jump above, but squeeze in a 180 - degree turn as you jump and switch legs to hit each lunge.
: Take out the jumping by stepping back, take out the push - up, or do alternating forward or reverse lunge instead of the split squat jump.
20 V - ups 20 «Box» jumps (improvise with whatever you have to jump on) 50 mountain climbers 10 each leg single leg squat / deadlift (pictured below) 15 tricep dips 15 each leg split squat jumps 10 single leg raises each leg (pictured above)

Not exact matches

Think: jumping split squats, jumping lunges, or plyometric push - ups.
Jumps split squats will really hit the quads, glutes and hamstrings.
Alternatively, a circuit might include Zercher squats to fatigue the quads and glutes followed by split - squat jumps and a 100m stride with emphasis on running form, again to improve running biomechanics when tired.
Leg days should be divided into one ME day focused heavily on posterior chain strengthening for balance purposes (deadlifts, Romanian deadlifts, good mornings, and glute - ham raises), and a dynamic effort day designed to improve explosive leg power, incorporating both plyometric movements (lunge hops, box jumps, jump squats) and more traditional speed / explosive movements (power cleans, speed squats, full cleans, split squats).
Also, while not within the inclusion criteria, it is noteworthy that Sleivert et al. (2004) tested jump squat force production in male athletes using both standard back squat and split - squat techniques.
As a result of these exclusion criteria, this page does not cover the long - term effects of training using split squats, either in relation to muscular adaptations (strength, hypertrophy, power and rate of force development) or in relation to the longitudinal transfer to sporting qualities (sprinting, jumping, throwing).
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