Sentences with phrase «splitting hydrogen molecules»

«We found that even at temperatures as low as minus 300 degrees F these platinum atoms were capable of splitting hydrogen molecules into atoms, indicating that the platinum atoms would be very good at activating hydrogen for a chemical reaction,» Sykes said.
«Non-metal catalyst splits hydrogen molecule: Boron compounds extend range of possible chemical synthesis applications.»
Splitting a hydrogen molecule into a proton and a hydride ion (H --RRB-, known as activating the hydrogen, is vital for sustainable energy production and storage.
Once together, the pair provides a unique environment to split hydrogen molecules into a hydride and proton pair.

Not exact matches

The current splits water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen, and bacteria in the water transform carbon dioxide and hydrogen into fuels or other useful chemicals.
Then, sunlight split the water molecules, letting hydrogen escape into space.
Chemist Daniel Nocera, head of the M.I.T.'s Solar Revolution Project, focused on one side of the equation: splitting water into its constituent hydrogen and oxygen molecules.
One of the simplest ways of obtaining hydrogen is electrolysis: an electric current splits water molecules into their constituent hydrogen and oxygen atoms.
These charges can then split water molecules to produce hydrogen gas.
MacDonnell also has worked on developing new photocatalysts for hydrogen generation, with the goal of creating an artificial photosynthetic system which uses solar energy to split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen.
That suggests that the bubbles are made of hydrogen that the ultraviolet light split off methane and ammonia molecules, Tachibana says.
Using spectral readings from telescopes at the Keck Observatory in Hawaii, Hand has found high levels of oxidative chemicals such as sulfate, oxygen, sulfur dioxide and hydrogen peroxide on Europa's surface, which are produced as ionizing radiation from Jupiter scours it, splitting apart water molecules and sulfur compounds in the uppermost layers of its ice.
Yet without a protective magnetic field to shield the surface, ionizing radiation started splitting water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen.
How the «moth eye solar cell» functions: with the help of sunlight water molecules are split into oxygen and hydrogen.
When a plant uses the sun's energy to split water molecules, it shuttles hydrogen (separated as protons and electrons) into a reaction sequence to help it grow.
«You start with water, add energy to split the oxygen and hydrogen molecules apart, and get H2.
Again, the first one stripped off hydrogens from adjacent carbon atoms in both the long polyethylene chains and short alkanes to form double bonds; the second split the molecules and randomly stitched split molecules back together.
This aurora is driven by Jupiter's intense magnetic field, which causes particles to reach such high speeds that they can split the water molecules in the plume when they hit them, resulting in oxygen and hydrogen ions which leave their telltale imprint in the colours of the aurora.
Understanding these effects is also important for other applications such as splitting water molecules to produce hydrogen at solid - liquid interfaces, electronic devices that rely on oxide - oxide interfaces, or other electrochemical processes using these materials as catalysts, where defects serve as the sites that enable the interactions.
Many, many investigators have contributed over the years to the development of a form of artificial photosynthesis in which sunlight - activated catalysts split water molecules to yield oxygen and hydrogen — the latter being a valuable chemical for a wide range of sustainable technologies.
Some microbes have evolved proteins called nitrogenases that can split apart nitrogen molecules in the air and weld that nitrogen to hydrogen to make ammonia and other compounds that plants can absorb to get their nitrogen.
Catalysts are chemical compounds that speed up reactions, and hydrogenase helps split two - atom hydrogen molecules into two protons and two electrons.
At the photoanode side, water molecules are split into oxygen gas (O2), electrons and hydrogen protons through oxidation in the presence of sunlight and the thin film coating the team recently developed.
Tour's scientific research areas include nanoelectronics, graphene electronics, silicon oxide electronics, carbon nanovectors for medical applications, green carbon research for enhanced oil recovery and environmentally friendly oil and gas extraction, graphene photovoltaics, carbon supercapacitors, lithium ion batteries, CO2 capture, water splitting to H2 and O2, water purification, carbon nanotube and graphene synthetic modifications, graphene oxide, carbon composites, hydrogen storage on nanoengineered carbon scaffolds, and synthesis of single - molecule nanomachines which includes molecular motors and nanocars.
Superimposed on that are rectangles showing four steps of photosynthesis in extreme close - up: molecules of water going into the roots; yellow dots of sunlight filling a green chlorophyll vessel; energy emanating from one side of the chlorophyll vessel and splitting the water into two separate streams of oxygen and hydrogen; and energy emanating from the other side of the chlorophyll vessel, which demonstrates how the sun's energy is «trapped as little packets.»
The material is called synthetic molybdenum - sulphide and it goes a step beyond just being an excellent sponge for moisture, it also acts as a semi-conductor and catalyses the split of water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen.
A new solar paint technology from RMIT University takes a unique approach by using sunlight to split water molecules to produce hydrogen.
The first half is done in an electrolyzer, which splits a water molecule into hydrogen and oxygen, and the second half in a fuel cell, which puts them back together.
They think that when sunlight falls on the nanotubes it is able to split water molecules into two compounds, hydroxide radicals and hydrogen ions.
These free charges split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen.
The current splits water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen, and bacteria in the water transform carbon dioxide and hydrogen into fuels or other useful chemicals.
When water molecules rise high in an atmosphere, ultraviolet radiation split the water molecules into its component gases, oxygen and hydrogen, and the lighter hydrogen molecules escape into space.
But the energy costs to perform splitting outweigh the energy created from hydrogen when the Hydrogen is split from the water molechydrogen when the Hydrogen is split from the water molecHydrogen is split from the water molecule H2O.
The bionic leaf is able to split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen and then with the help of hydrogen - loving bacteria, produce liquid fuels and potentially many other products.
The artificial leaf is essentially a silicon solar cell that has different catalytic materials bonded to each side that allow it to split water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen, the latter of which could be stored and used as clean fuel.
Through the process of photosynthesis, green plants harness solar energy to split molecules of water into oxygen, hydrogen ions (protons) and free electrons.
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