Sentences with phrase «spoke abut it»

Not exact matches

Mr. Arsenal — Has spoken about a lot abut the job and is never too shy when it comes to airing his thoughts on the club, but coaching the Azerbijan team is just not going to cut it.
While we don't know too much abut the game's story yet, the producer Yosuke Futami has previously spoke why it will take place in the alternate ALfheim online and about how it will focus less on the death game aspect and more abut Kirito and friends having fun in the world, for a change.
Installation plans were not yet complete when we spoke, but, Coetzee explained, the emphasis would be on juxtapositions that reorient the viewer: a gallery of paintings by an internationally renowned South African like William Kentridge will abut a similar - size gallery of paintings by someone «from Benin, the DRC, South Africa, or Swaziland, who might not be known in their field.»
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