Sentences with phrase «sponsored health insurance market»

COBRA is fully entrenched in the employer - sponsored health insurance market, and employers are well accustomed to its provisions.
They've long been used in the employer - sponsored health insurance market, and now they're part of the individual market too.

Not exact matches

Now that coverage is guaranteed - issue in the individual market (just the way it is for employees who are eligible for their employer's health plan), the individual market uses open enrollment and special enrollent periods just like employer - sponsored health insurance.
People had gotten used to the fact that pre-existing conditions are no longer an obstacle when applying for health insurance, and to the fact that for folks who buy coverage in the individual market, subsidies are available to offset the cost, depending on income (this helped to level the playing field for people who buy their own health insurance, since people with employer - sponsored health insurance have always had significant subsidies).
The open enrollment and special enrollment windows will remain unchanged, which does make it challenging for people to wait until they're sick to enroll in individual market health insurance (employer - sponsored health insurance has long used open enrollment periods too; people can not sign up for their employer's health plan whenever they like).
But if you have employer - sponsored health insurance, your open enrollment period may overlap with the individual market's open enrollment period.
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