Sentences with phrase «sporadic disease»

Sporadic disease refers to a sickness that occurs occasionally and randomly. It is not widespread or consistent, but rather happens irregularly and in certain individuals. Full definition
So - called sporadic diseases occur irregularly in a population.
H3N8 broke out around 2004 in Florida and continues to cause sporadic disease; H3N2, a milder strain first seen in Chicago in 2015, is closely related to an Asian strain first identified in 2006.
The approach could be used to analyze GWAS results for other sporadic diseases with genetic causes, such as multiple sclerosis, diabetes, and cancer.
De novo mutations are recognized both as an important source of genetic variation and as a prominent cause of sporadic disease in humans.
In its lethal form, it is what we call a sporadic disease - striking here and there - rarely twice in the same household unless cats are grouped there in large numbers.
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