Sentences with phrase «spot on the chromosome»

It's named for its extraordinary ability to leap from one spot on a chromosome to another, enabling scientists to identify genetic mutations.
A gene is a hereditary unit consisting of DNA that occupies a spot on a chromosome and determines a characteristic in an organism.
Now, researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania have shown that when the enzyme key to cutting and pasting segments of DNA hits so - called «off - target» spots on a chromosome, the development of immune cells can lead to cancer in animal models.
When a particularly interesting spot on a chromosome captures a researcher's attention, said White, it can take «three or four years, and three or four post-docs (PhD researchers), to find the specific gene.»
Once this happens, the receptor enters the nucleus of its cell and attaches to specific spots on the chromosomes that contain all of the cell's genetic coding.
A gene is the DNA - plus - protein at a particular spot on the chromosome.

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Lu's team will extract immune cells called T cells from the blood of the enrolled patients, and then use CRISPR — Cas9 technology — which pairs a molecular guide able to identify specific genetic sequences on a chromosome with an enzyme that can snip the chromosome at that spot — to knock out a gene in the cells.
Scientists have searched for the genetic basis of the two syndromes and have tracked most cases of both to defects on the same spot of the human genome, a stretch of DNA on chromosome 15.
The researchers spotted a segment of DNA on chromosome 8 that appeared in the colorblind islanders; then they tested another 60 people from Pingelap and nearby islands to narrow the search down further.
In the 1960's, Japanese - American geneticist and evolutionary biologist Susumu Ohno proposed a theory in which the genes determining sex first arose at various spots scattered across the entire genome, but over time were «captured» on the sex chromosomes.
We also describe a method for the bulk testing of the hybridization characteristics of chromosome - specific clones spotted on microarrays by use of DNA amplified from flow - sorted chromosomes.
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