Sentences with phrase «spouted by»

«The venom that's been spouted by Trump, the xenophobia, and the dehumanizing of different races and classes have been painful to watch,» she says, adding that several of her Middle Eastern clients have expressed anxiety about how Americans now treat them.
Your article was good in exposing the rubbish spouted by other parts of the media on the BEST pre-release.
Alarmism is simply left wing mantra spouted by the Fake News and unionized Swamp.
That's why I mentioned sports statistics which are spouted by otherwise supposedly mathematically illiterate people.
Look at the nonsense being spouted by the present incumbent.
And isn't fairly modest (2 deg C or less) warming hard to square with the alarmist rhetoric spouted by Dr. Hansen and others?
Environmental correspondents at The Guardian and Observer get their knickers in a twist about facts and figures leaked from the government, it seems, but are quite happy to reproduce any old nonsense spouted by huge NGOs and idiot celebrities...
As Karl says, this is typical of the drivel spouted by the AGW believers when anyone tries to question their religious beliefs: — Don't attempt to discuss the science with them, but make false associations with Exxon and the right wing press.
And before you go suggesting that's a made - up number spouted by Heartland or Rush Limbaugh, I'll save you from yourselves: it is an Obama administration Congressional Budget Office figure.
Yesterday, 375 members of the National Academy of Sciences, including 30 Nobel Prize winners, posted an open letter reviewing the basics of established climate science, decrying claims of hoax and hype spouted by Republicans during the presidential campaign and warning against the United States pulling out of the Paris Agreement on climate change.
Today, everything within the walls of the art world, from the educational language spouted by museums to the highly intellectualized language of the critics seems pedantic and purple.
The SteamWorld Dig 2 devs had already ruined procedural generation for me, so I wasn't going to be fooled by any of the marketing spiel spouted by the GoNNER team.
It's actually fun, which despite the lofty ideas spouted by technologists is what playing games is all about.
A great article, and necessary in my opinion; the amount of nonsense spouted by the anti-Vita brigade can be easily pulled apart from the very nature of their argument.
Contrary to the ignorant bullshit that a worthless shit stain on the gaming populous such as terramax would be naturally wont to spout, DoA has NEVER raised ANY sort of «benchmark for all other fighters to aspire to;» that's nothing but a laughably both biased and blatantly incorrect statement spouted by some dumb fuck inexplicably in love with a sorry - ass piece of shit series.
These are just generalisations spouted by me, though, so let's delve into the nitty - gritty of the combat mechanics and rip this stuff apart.
So what about when you hear this myth spouted by a big name bestseller?
And right with the indie - publishing revolution comes this myth of competition rearing its ugly head over and over and over, all spouted by new writers.
The pretty lie that is «equality» is nonsense spouted by weaklings who can not look upon the darkness.
Whatever administrative reforms might be enacted and however many platitudes might be spouted by politicians, if the classroom is intellectually uninhabitable, the schools will fail.
Little Timmy Robinson (Ray) doesn't believe the «zombies are safe» propaganda spouted by the ZomCon coporation, but still, when his mom (Moss) and dad (Baker) get a zombie (Connolly) for the family, he can't resist growing attached to his new pal Fido.
Credit to Brucie, though, for doing his own stunts; see the old man run and fight karate - chick Maggie Q; see him jump off fighter jets; see him gawp at the techno - babble spouted by Kevin Smith's cameo as «Warlock, a digital Jedi».
drama, a lot of profanity spouted by a jailed mobster (Peter Falk), and, above all else, pointless visual trickery: white flashes as scene transitions, on - screen blueprints, and captions that offer extraneous background information to even the most peripheral of characters.
«Expand or die» is the mantra spouted by farmers in Ramin Bahrani's «At Any Price,» a menacing slogan that reflects the explosion of the cornfield market into a $ 2 trillion industry.
Rotten: The fumbling banalities spouted by the characters belie the prior achievements of the actors making them up.
I'm referring here to «weightlifting» (one word), the sport that contests the clean and jerk and the snatch, and not the broscience spouted by the average D - bag who throws weights around and calls it «weight lifting» (two words).
Orwell was of course referring, in this essay, to the proto Spartist cobblers spouted by the «Intellectual «left.
Like so much guff spouted by parenting books, parenting organisations and by parents themselves, this innate special bond between women and children just doesn't exist.
That's why the book implicitly rejects the nonsense spouted by Ina May Gaskin, Barbara Harper (waterbirth), Debra Pascali - Bonnaro (orgasmic birth) and other NCB and homebirth celebrities, by ignoring it altogether.
For although it is commonplace to suggest that football supporters are stupid, most in fact have brains enough for two — a necessary evolutionary step that enables the average fan to be able to disentangle the absolute rubbish spouted by your average football pundit or commentator and work out what his gibberish actually means.
I am not talking about Arsenal getting a refund on the Petr Cech transfer and am really not worried about his opening day nightmare despite all the gloating and rubbish spouted by the chavs in the last few days.
This insulting nonsense regularly spouted by Wenger is on the border of insanity, though of course he does not himself believe his own lies.
I am willing to see if this is just BS spouted by Silent Stan because if not then a SD / DoF is a step in the right direction and a step towards life without Wenger.
Hogwash spouted by the church even now.
It is farcical to hear anthems of victimhood being spouted by corporate swindlers who despoil shareholders of their pensions, or by indicted politicians who cloak themselves in the imagery of martyrs for the Christian faith.
Thismea culpa had the effect of splashing cold water all over Christians — and, I might add, showing dishonour to the God we worship: Christianity, despite the «equality» spouted by the NDP andits followers, may be offensive to others, so best to hide it, to not let it see the light of day.
I'm probably not the only Mormon who will be voting for Obama next November, but all the same — it pulls at my heartstrings to see / hear all this 1) hate, 2) ignorance, and 3) bigotry being spouted by supposed A) Christians and B) supporters of American Democracy.
tony perkiins is a dufuss — he is a control freak — no one can possibly believe the drivel spouted by the right wing evangelicals.
Part of the gag is always the New Age mumbo - jumbo spouted by the sensitivity trainer.
It sounds more like a friendly noise and it isn't constant, he hasn't done it for the past few minutes it was just a random spout by the sounds of it.

Not exact matches

by During this banker raid on paper gold and paper silver, while banking shill Nouriel Roubini was spouting more propaganda in the distribution channels of the mass media of a gold collapse to sub-par $ 1000 an ounce prices, we were busy informing our readers about the «Lies of Nouriel Roubini» (whose sole purpose in life, -LSB-...]
You said, «Only a fool spouts mindless drivel created by people who used arrows to hunt and made their home from mud!
Only a fool spouts mindless drivel created by people who used arrows to hunt and made their home from mud!
This is no issue to take lightly, as we are called by Christ to set the «world afire» in his name, and if you are spouting off AGAINST what the Church has said is Truth, you are greatly blaspheming.
To spout out tired old meaningless phrases from an ancient book written by ignorant goatherds?
People who are in their final stages don't need self - righteous folks like you making themselves feel better by spouting out their beliefs.
Oh, and before you start spouting, your «holy book» of fables is not considered evidence by ANY means of the word.
We really don't need young, susceptible, weak - minded women spouting «I'm an atheist» who roll over when their beliefs are rejected or ridiculed by others.
So the notion you can convert people to what you believe simply by spouting some Bible verses is just foolishness.
Come on now and stop all the bigotry, which is fueled by pure ignorance and (Fox News LOL) and start educating yourself more before you spout off ridiculous rants against Muslims or other religions foreign to your beliefs.
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