Sentences with phrase «spouting lies»

Adding insult to injury, spouting lies about the child's other parent is like putting a knife in their little heart.
Kerry it's people like you who have caused the problems, wars and paid our enemies to kill our soldiers by spouting lies like you do on energy.
And they will have no effect whatsoever on Malcolm Roberts, who is already well aware that he is spouting lies and nonsense, because he is doing so very deliberately.
21 SecularAnimist says: ``... Malcolm Roberts, who is already well aware that he is spouting lies and nonsense, because he is doing so very deliberately.»
«Kanye West has a right to free speech, and he has the right to spout lies and misinformation and misplaced opinions — but we as consumers have the right to fight back against this type of dangerous propaganda,» it read.
You nothing about me, but I know you for someone willing to spout lies in the service of some supernatural being.
Apparently you are just another atheist who has nothing better to do than to spout lies and twisted facts just to try to troll Christians and Muslims.
Under a regime that spouts lies, there is no way to protest in the name of truth.
Anyone can spout lies to support fallacious arguments but honourable fans use facts.
Why is it that every time a global warming article is posted, hundreds of fools show up to spout lies?
They just spout lies and nonsense.
Spout a lie often enough and many will believe it.

Not exact matches

by During this banker raid on paper gold and paper silver, while banking shill Nouriel Roubini was spouting more propaganda in the distribution channels of the mass media of a gold collapse to sub-par $ 1000 an ounce prices, we were busy informing our readers about the «Lies of Nouriel Roubini» (whose sole purpose in life, -LSB-...]
Unbelievable, some of them speak of finding the truth but spout vial lies and the COMMON misconceptions of a religion that they obviously have no, I mean NO, idea what they are talking about.
To spout willful lies is a double shame.
Until then, you are simply spouting nonsense with no evidence but plenty of sh1tty tactics and lies..
Which negates all of the condescending lies «she» spouts).
See therein lies the problem — you say «spot on» and judging by the thumbs down presumably an equal number think Mr Mitov is spouting half - baked rubbish.
This insulting nonsense regularly spouted by Wenger is on the border of insanity, though of course he does not himself believe his own lies.
Wenger, as we have known for over two decades is afraid to face up to the truth and thus spouts little other than utter nonsense, claptrap and predictably boring lies, which we hear ALL the time and ridiculous cliches.
Our great players are leaving because they have seen through the lies the madman spouts
Students are embarrassed because they know that they are listening to and spouting a bundle of scaremongering lies, spin and propaganda about what is, in fact, a funding proposal that makes higher education free at the point of entry and easier to afford than at any time since Labour introduced tuition fees.
Speaking to Buzzfeed News in November, O'Brien said: «I don't enjoy Nigel Farage having any platform for the lies and the racism that he spouts.
You are lying... you work for and spout the party lies that come right from Flanagan.
She's really not given much more to do that spout exposition and lines about lies and doom and gloom, but dammit it's Cate Blanchett!
The pretty lie that is «equality» is nonsense spouted by weaklings who can not look upon the darkness.
So when you hear someone spout the flat lie that traditional publishers give you an advance to write your novel, first off ask them how much, and which publisher still does that.
The villages lie at the southern-most tip of the spout - shaped arm of the Costa Rican mainland known as Nicoya.
If he professed innocence and everyone spouted «guys accuse women of lying all the time, let's not listen to and believe him,» you can rest assured I'd be balking at that too.
But increduously and sadly, I am appalled that «scientists» stand there and continue to spout horrible lies to all of us about what they believe rising CO2 levels mean and how we are destroying our planet.
I wonder how many of the 88 percent were untruthful, who really don't give a damn about professionalism, but who voted «yes», and lied, because they are indeed inherently politically expedient, and thus, often unprofessional by nature by dint of their answers on surveys that they know the survey authors want to see / spout.
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