Sentences with phrase «spread doubt about»

The Big Tobacco playbook looked something like this: (1) pay scientists to produce studies defending your product; (2) develop an intricate web of PR experts and front groups to spread doubt about the real science; (3) relentlessly attack your opponents.
Even Exxon / Mobil, the oil company that has been fueling the organizations that spread doubt about the science of AGW, is no longer flatly denying that AGW is a potentially significant problem, at least publicly.
It's a shame McIntyre doesn't actually perform science, primary research, rather than just attempting to spread doubt about others work...
You don't need to think long to find a reason for the tobacco industry and big oil wanting to spread doubt about the science behind the link between tobacco and cancer, and behind greenhouse gases and global warming, respectively.
«Climate change is a serious problem, and yet some in the coal industry deny that the problem of global warming even exists and have contributed to organizations that spread doubt about science and policy,» Markey said.
A water and climate scientist with decades of research in his field has admitted to deceiving the free - market conservative Heartland Institute into leaking confidential documents about their donors, fundraising efforts and plans to spread doubt about climate change.
Some don't like this because it doesn't fit their political message, so they try to spread doubt about the observational records of global surface temperatures.
Instead of focusing on developing solutions the robber barons continue to pull the wool over the eyes of the masses spreading doubt just like the cigarette makers spread doubt about the deadly health affects of smoking cigarettes.
The inaccurate headline and burst of hyperventilating coverage and commentary (with some exceptions, like this new post by Climate Central) have already provided fodder for those whose passion or job is largely aimed at spreading doubt about science pointing to consequential greenhouse - driven warming.
UK Guardian: NASA scientist calls for putting oil firm chiefs on trial for «high crimes against humanity» for spreading doubt about man - made global warming — June 23, 2008
That's when fossil fuel industry lobbyists and executives started pouring more money into front groups and advocacy campaigns aimed at spreading doubt about climate science and blocking action to reduce emissions.
The International Conference on Climate Change is a yearly gathering of climate change deniers and disinformers — mostly hardcore libertarians — who attempt to spread doubts about climate science.
Watch the video below to hear Vice President Gore explain how some carbon polluters are spreading doubt about the true nature of climate change and how the clean energy revolution gives him hope for the future.
Greenpeace have said that Koch industries invested more than US$ 50 million in the past 50 years on spreading doubts about climate change.
New York Times blogger Andrew Revkin also chided NASA for an «inaccurate headline» and the associated «hyperventilating coverage,» but for a different reason: NASA provided «fodder for those whose passion or job is largely aimed at spreading doubt about science pointing to consequential greenhouse - driven warming.»

Not exact matches

So as a business owner you're no doubt hoping that the vast majority of what spreads about you online is positive.
There is also the possibility of other bidders emerging, though the spread in Tribune's stock price seems to indicate that the market has doubts about that scenario.
When people spread Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt, when countries and governments and central banks spread FUD about Bitcoin, there's a clear agenda, there's a clear goal which is to get others to lose interest and give up on Bitcoin.
There is no doubt that the TED spread sometimes gives valuable clues about the state of the financial system.
Investor interest in the note is weak — we have doubts about its viability, and wide spreads add to an already high fee.
But no doubt if this happens you will play the victim and spread the word about how you have been wronged.
Drawing Democratic online political staff from around the country and «organized» on the fly in classic unconference style, it'll no doubt focus on this year's elections — a perfect opportunity to spread the word about a certain recent e.politics e-book (hint: look to the right).
Drnaso beautifully weaves an intricate story - simultaneously a riveting character study and a parable about the dangerous spread of misinformation and doubt - that blooms wider with every subsequent panel.
And so any conversation about the effect online retail and ebooks are having on the industry need to begin right here, rather than assume the opposite is true and then spread fear and doubt to generate clicks.
I have another doubt, person who is already in MCLR + spread, after 1 year mclr will be based on rate at that time, but what about spread?
And as much as I would like to see Aya and Elly in there, I highly doubt they would just because it seems like SquareEnix is really bad about «spreading the love» and getting them to give rights to any other project is like pulling teeth.
This doubt, at first conceived on an individual existential level in the «50s, progressively spreads to a questioning on a societal plane in the «60s and «70s, when painters could no longer be naïve about what their involvement with painting meant ideologically.
Yes Tamino, it is about propaganda but the fear uncertainty and doubt is being spread by both sides.
For someone so notoriously controlling of his news organizations, he allows FoxNews commentators to spread disinformation and doubts about climate change — giving those viewpoints far more weight than they deserve.
They accuse the company of spreading doubt and «junk science» about climate change to protect its own commercial interests.
Davies, who now runs the Climate Investigations Center and continues to expose climate denial and attacks on solutions to global warming, worked with many researchers over the years (including DeSmog's Brendan DeMelle and Kevin Grandia) to assemble a clear record of Exxon's extensive funding of organizations and think tanks responsible for spreading doubt and denial about climate science.
Rather than «rock the debate,» Climate Hustle is just another attempt to spread doubt and confusion about climate change science.
The reason: Special interest groups, with funding and support from Big Polluters, have spent decades on well - coordinated campaigns to spread doubt in the media and sway public opinion about the reality of the crisis.
No doubt the misinformation May spreads about those he disagrees with is a genuine, innocent mistake — we look forward to hearing him correct it.
On top of it all, the «Merchants of Doubt» are spreading misinformation about how climate change isn't even happening.
According to the film's synopsis on its website, Merchants of Doubt «lifts the curtain on a secretive group of highly charismatic, silver - tongued pundits - for - hire who present themselves in the media as scientific authorities — yet have the contrary aim of spreading maximum confusion about well - studied public threats ranging from toxic chemicals to pharmaceuticals to climate change.»
Some of the world's highest profile groups spreading unfounded doubt about the risks and causes of climate change, not to mention a number of high - profile media outlets, turn to Dr Carter for comment, advice and sometimes paid consultancy and provide a forum for his views.
Lest you doubt that Google is serious about spreading its AI to every nook and cranny of the consumer electronics universe, consider today's CES 2018 reveal: Google just announced four new «smart displays» from Lenovo, JBL, LG and Sony, plus a bevy of smart speakers and TVs from other partners, almost too numerous to mention.
i like the idea that 1 year's parents r responsible 4 fundraising... spreads the load... doubt itd work at our school, tho... no1 wants 2 help... im at that stage now... tossing it all in... over being «1 of the few», especially when im so jaded about what the school has done for zac (or lack of)...
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