Sentences with phrase «spreads gossip»

How would you respond if you heard that the lady down the street who spreads gossip about you slipped on some ice and is in the hospital?
How would you respond if you heard that the lady down the street who always spreads gossip about you got in a car accident and is in the hospital?
Most of us, when an enemy spreads gossip about us, we spread gossip about them.
Short of verbally assaulting a receptionist, spreading gossip has long been considered one of business's least - lauded career tactics.
In order to maintain a cohesive team, do not spread gossip, cause another to feel like an outcast, or grumble about petty things.
Cellphone cameras and the Internet can capture and spread gossip at high speed.
Don't use this time to drone on about office politics or spread gossip... that's simply not nice.
Don't spread gossip, propaganda or untruths about anyone because of what you think they believe or don't believe.
Closet alcoholics cheating on their spouses hording money and material possessions while spreading gossip about the «Smiths» and how their poor pathetic teenage daughter is pregnant.
A time when people spread gossip and rumors about her.
However, I'm 36, and grew up in the last generation of High School students who had to get updates and spread gossip the old - fashioned way — by a locker, between classes.
It is because of prayer meetings that we feel justified in spreading gossip about others while calling it «sharing a prayer request.»
maybe santorum should try BEHAVING like a christian instead of spreading gossip and hate.
Whether they're spreading gossip or starting trouble on social media, they thrive on the excitement.
There are also two types of bullying: physical, which includes hitting, kicking, taking something away, and so on, and relational / social, which includes excluding someone, spreading gossip about them or making fun of them.
Name - calling, spreading gossip and rumors, and circulating pictures were common forms of bullying.
Some unique Orcs also try to flee the battlefield, and this will in turn allow them to spread gossip which will have an adverse effect on future missions.
Spreading Gossip & Rumours - The bully reveals intimate details, stories or secrets about their victim with an intent to disgrace, humiliate or embarrass them.
The community of Maningrida, on the north coast of Arnhem Land, was troubled by young people misusing mobile phones to spread gossip which caused family fighting.

Not exact matches

Don't say anything to someone you wouldn't want everyone to hear; don't spread malicious rumours you can't verify; and use gossip to eke out weaknesses in order to improve them, not exploit them.
A 2012 study from UC Berkeley suggests that the spread of gossip helps maintain social order and lowers stress *.
A manager or employee who distorts the truth, or purposefully spreads unconfirmed rumors and gossip to gain a strategic advantage
Knowing that the restaurant industry is notorious for gossip, he began to spread dis - information on what they were doing for the party as a head fake.
Work gossip: We've all heard it, and some of us have spread it — whether that action took place around the water cooler, via text or through email.
Professional employees know how to voice their opinions and concerns in a productive manner, rather than complaining, gossiping or spreading hostility when a challenge arises.
A painful church experience is magnified in a digital age where gossip and slander can spread through social networks faster than ever before.
When I cut him off from one on one time he left and proceeded to spread some pretty viscious gossip.
When they curse you, and gossip about you, and spread vile rumors about you, say good things about them in return.
The military: I was focused on for being new at a duty station while gossip was being spread around by corrupt military police and others that a new person from my state was coming and that they were a under - cover informant to reveal the black marketing of un-taxed cigarettes, moonshine and military goods to the East coast (mobs).
Of particular concern to Paul was a group of young widows who had infiltrated the church and developed a reputation for dressing promiscuously, sleeping around, gossiping, spreading unorthodox ideas, interrupting church services with questions, mooching off the church's widow fund, and generally making common floozies of themselves (1 Timothy 5).
This is the type of behavior that waters the weeds of gossip to grow, leading to a vicious cycle of slandering and rumor spreading.
When Richard Nixon's henchmen were being justly excoriated for their political «dirty tricks,» which included spreading malicious gossip, Senator Russell Long of Louisiana recalled the dirtiest campaign against him.
(CNN)-- Gossip isn't just for teenage girls — scientists spread rumors, too.
Otherwise, you are just gossiping and spreading rumors.
You are willing to spread lies about her - gossip wench that you have proven to be all because she believes in joining the 21st century.
The point of the popes is that gossip and inuendo without proof should not be spread as fact.
To the Elector he wrote on 7 May: «The news about the council at Trent and those who supposedly are present there, I consider to be gossip and nonsense spread the men of Rome and Mainz... God does not want them and they do not want him either.»
Or maybe you take a more active stance toward your enemies and gossip about them, spread lies about them, turn them into the police when they do something wrong, and pray that God will punish them for their wicked ways.
I suppose that due to the Papparazi gossip machine and gossip - heavy magazines like «People» it is only natural Christians fall into this social trend of listening to and spreading rumors about other people.
At the extreme, gossip can spread negativity like a fire out of control.
The reality is that if you confront that person who is spreading the rumor, you are just going to spread more gossip.
As a result, they may gossip with others or spread rumors about your child's performance, his abilities, your parenting and his future in the sport.
Mean girls, in particular, will sexually bully other girls by spreading rumors and gossip, sharing secrets or telling stories.
Discuss the dangers of gossip, backstabbing and rumor - spreading.
Finally, some teens even will spread rumors or gossip about an ex.
Spreading rumors or engaging in gossip hurts other people.
Kids are afraid if they do not exclude others, participate in gossip, spread rumors and make fun of others, then they too will be ostracized or tormented by bullies.
If your teen is being gossiped about or if someone is spreading rumors, there are a number of things that she can do to cope with it.
The key is to find a way to address the gossiping and rumor spreading that is comfortable for your child.
If everyone else in their circle of friends is gossiping or spreading rumors, kids feel like they have to do the same thing in order to be accepted.
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