Sentences with phrase «spreads messages»

The Great Wash Yatra spreads these messages using the oldest social engineering trick around: Make the lesson fun.
The made - in - Canada social media management platform lets you spread your messages across Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and more with one tap.
This was thanks in part to the Unilever brand's efforts to spread its message worldwide: Dove uploaded the video in 25 languages to 33 of its official YouTube channels, reaching consumers in more than 110 countries.
While Miscavige and his organization have held up the media complex as a valuable tool for spreading the message of Scientology and recruiting new members to join, the new facilities have received criticism from opponents of the religion — including some former members — who claim the complex is nothing more than a propaganda machine and a ploy to attract donations.
And we harness our brand advocates, and our employees, to spread the message for us.
HELM puts its global tribe of brand advocates to work to spread its message; these people know they'll look good if they recommend HELM.
«I try to spread that message to a lot of other players just because football is a demanding sport and it's a demanding sport on your body.
Anti-U.S. groups can use the ban to spread their message that the United States won't protect certain people, David Miliband says.
If they had trouble reaching him directly with their message, they would try to win over the people around him first and spread their message indirectly.
This strategy is very similar to building backlinks, but you rely on the powerful search tools embedded in Twitter and other social media platforms to help spread your message.
San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick originated the gesture as a protest against racial injustice; as #TakeAKnee has spread that message has been somewhat lost amidst the resulting recrimination.
Now a LinkedIn Influencer, he learned to use social media to spread the message, even though he's more comfortable on the phone or face - to - face.
Tweet, post on Facebook or your blog or write a guest blog to spread the message.
I feel so strongly about this, in fact, that I'll be spending most of next year eagerly spreading this message.
It will evolve, change and shift just like you, but the reality is that there's no better way to stay connected, stay entertained, and spread messages quickly in an online format.
Even if a reader finds your content interesting without formalizing a sale, there's a chance that user will return and / or spread the message about your products.
One factor driving Mr. Zuckerberg may be the brisk ad business that Facebook does from its Hong Kong offices, where the company helps Chinese companies — and the government's own propaganda organs — spread their messages.
The leaders of Animal Farm maintain thought control by obscuring the facts with smokescreens, rewriting history, creating conspiracy theories about pending attacks, faking victims, slander, scapegoating, murdering opposition, outrageous public works projects to keep the animals busy, and through a large group of useful idiots — sheep — that spread their message unthinkingly and distract dissenters.
If you're not a miner, but a concerned investor like myself, then please spread this message far and wide, and ask the miners and pools that you know for bigger blocks.
But if you dedicate yourself to becoming world - class in one subject / field, have the chops to prove it, spread your message, and enough people like you, you'll be an authority.
Because some groups have thousands of members or more — and are therefore filled with potential readers and customers — they are ripe targets for spammers, as well as for well - meaning content creators who just want to spread their messages as far and wide as they can, without due concern for where it gets placed.
Trucking Industry Group Joins National Movement to Spread Message That It's #TimeToBuild Washington, D.C., May 15, 2017 — Trucking Moves America Forward (TMAF), the industry - wide image and education movement, is pleased to announce it will be an official affiliate of Infrastructure Week in 2017.
If you don't have a rock - solid understanding of what your unique offerings are and (to put it bluntly) why anyone should care, then investing time and energy into spreading your message will be an exercise in futility.
Earning a place for you through a trusted voice, spreading your message with authenticity.
You need aggregators, brand awareness among true followers to spread your message and support your ideal.
We say a prayer for our country: that all across this land, the Lord will raise up men and women like Billy Graham to spread a message of love and hope to every precious child of God.
Although marketing best practices don't change, the tools and vehicles we use to spread our message and communicate with our audience do.
Before promising to distribute them to the crowd, Conway urged tech executives, engineers and lobbyists alike to spread the message on social media and contact their elected officials.
Not only worrying about yourself, but also trying to spread the message with others and helping them out with their finances.
As a company, we are, of course, first and foremost thankful for all of our members and our growing community of professionals who continue to help support us and spread our message of extending work flexibility to all.
I also doubt Bitcoin will start being accepted within the bunch of theme parks Comcast own, however, I do believe the communication formats owned by Comcast could prove to be vital for spreading the message and the news of cryptocurrencies.
The audience was a room full of women business owners who were thinking about using the stage to spread a message while also making money.
A name thief is helping to spread the message that «Atheism is not healthy for children and other living things»!
Its helps spread the message to everyone it literally comes into contact with that, this is a reminder, as a Nation we are looking to God for answers. Help us to spread the message of Jesus Christ!
Early Christians spread their message by helping those who could not help themselves?
From the 4th Century CE up to about 200 years ago (so roughly 1700 years) Christians spread their message via force.
He said Christians often face persecution when spreading their message, but so far backlash to the Bible Out Loud project has been minimal.
, He didn't do a perfect job of spreading the message of peace (crusades, holy wars) despite a PERFECT knowledge of humans.
If a church wants to keep growing and spreading their message, they should at least listen to what they (disenchanted Christians) have to say.»
I believe the author was trying to communicate that the Church needs to be less concerned about whether or not people like them and more concerned about spreading the message of Jesus:
Thanks to you all for spreading the message and listening to the music.
And then live those truths to the best of our ability so that we may spread His message of atoning love.
On the one hand, I thought «interesting choice of words & presentation... I guess this is just another way of spreading the message».
Historically, Christian missioniaries have not travelled to hostile, foreign lands to spread a message of love, pacifism, tolerance and humility.
In this way, the Scriptures describe not what we must do today, but what has been done in the past as people tried to follow God in spreading His message, His rule, and His reign.
To spread the message of God's free grace, we must plant churches.
The way I see it, a person writes a book for one two reasons: 1) She has a message that she cares about and the best way to spread that message is through a book, or 2) She feels compelled to write so she shares whatever story / experience / message most inspires her at the time.
Although the various scriptural arguments for the resurrection of Jesus are open to question, modern writers insist that some explanation is needed of what empowered the early disciples to spread the message of Jesus across the world.
They can spread the message of Christ for a fraction of the cost of sending a western missionary.
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