Sentences with phrase «squelch free»

If you don't have an adequate supply of antioxidants to help squelch free radicals, then you can be at risk of oxidative stress, which leads to accelerated tissue and organ damage.
Animal studies suggest spirulina can also protect your liver, probably as a result of its high antioxidant properties and its ability to synthesize or release nitric oxide, and in a study of three antioxidant - rich diets (blueberries, spinach, and spirulina) spirulina was found to have the highest neuroprotective effect, possibly due to its ability to squelch free radicals and reduce inflammation.9
In fact, kidney beans have antioxidant benefits that rival those of blueberries, a food known for its ability to squelch free radicals that damage cells.
Unfortunately, such pursuits have become commonplace in our world today; and these tactics are utilized by those who care less about science and more about squelching free thinking and scientific debate when opinions are presented that differ from their own.
I sympathize with the fear that the legal system could be inappropriately applied to squelching the free speech of scientists.

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Free thought can be suppressed, squelching any hope for progress.
«It squelches peoples» right to free speech,» said Pastor Bill Devlin, who is with the Manhattan Bible Church.
Antioxidants help squelch and neutralize free radicals so they stop them from damaging your skin.
Americans of all political preferences would rise up against such tyranny if their rights were squelched by corporations, yet teachers unions have been legally trampling the free - speech rights of teachers throughout our nation for decades through forced dues used to fund their one - sided political agendas.
In the same way that the Court has found infringements on the free marketplace of the ideas justifiable in some contexts, universities should be aware that intellectual bullying is frequently used by majoritarian groups on campuses to squelch dissent of the minority views.
We do not know, but we can hope that the free market, limited government, ingenuity and promoting spirit of the Bitcoin community will not be squelched.
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