Sentences with phrase «squelched if»

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Even if these clubs are University funded in some way I think the University should lighten up a bit, I think you can take political correctness a little to far and end up squelching diversity in the name of diversity.
But if Wolf thought things were chippy enough from previous games, he had the right to squelch the kerfuffle before it started.
If Durant thought winning a ring would squelch further questions about his legacy, he has another thing coming.
And if you try to squelch any unhappiness, you may send the message that it's wrong to feel upset.
And if you try to squelch any unhappiness, you may be sending the message that it's wrong to feel sad.
If you notice any redness or irritation in the diaper area, a swipe of diaper cream or petroleum jelly should squelch it.
If he were yours, there's a good chance you may label him «difficult» and attempt to squelch his feelings, in favor of an easier, quieter existence, and that would be a shame: I have a hunch these feelings will be his greatest strength.
If it happens frequently enough, a seemingly neutral «That's nice, honey» to your main squeeze's good news can squelch romantic fires, crippling rapport over the long term.
As I stand there with the mud squelching over my wellingtons, I wonder if we'll eventually be able to work out where it went.
If you don't have an adequate supply of antioxidants to help squelch free radicals, then you can be at risk of oxidative stress, which leads to accelerated tissue and organ damage.
If he needs reassurance, attention and support, try to figure out how you can meet his needs without squelching your own.
If you're accomplishing it right, and she's able with it, you'll alpha to apprehend squelching, blemish like sounds.
If the objective is to squelch disrespect on campus, then it is critical to teach everyone (peers and staff) to take the same steps in handling disrespectful actions.
Americans of all political preferences would rise up against such tyranny if their rights were squelched by corporations, yet teachers unions have been legally trampling the free - speech rights of teachers throughout our nation for decades through forced dues used to fund their one - sided political agendas.
For example, if Amazon was a «threat» that needed to be squelched by means of an illegal conspiracy, why would Apple offer Amazon's Kindle app on the iPad?
If you squelch the growl, eventually the puppy may skip that step and move on the the next logical step; a bite.
If the IPCC were primarily interested in the science, there's simply no way that the lead author of any section would feature his own work and have such power to squelch dissenting commentary by reviewers.
IT is wrong if it attempts to ignore or squelch users» demands for new capabilities and greater convenience.
Some of my clients go so far as to say that they feel boastful, or as if they're bragging, and the fear of making a negative impression squelches their confidence and causes them to hold back on key information.
«We wanted to squelch the idea before it was actually proposed because we were afraid that if it was proposed, it would be approved,» she said.
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