Sentences with phrase «stab at trying»

Maybe I should take a stab at trying it!.
But worries that political deadlock would lead to delays in tackling the UK's yawning deficit were allayed somewhat after Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg said the party with the most votes and seats - the Conservatives - should have the first stab at trying to form a Government.

Not exact matches

The government took a stab at cross-border price differences in the 2013 budget when it eliminated tariffs on baby clothing and sports equipment — rates as high as 18 per cent for skates — to try to narrow the gap.
So I will answer your question and stab at a worm hole you try to put me in, this way.
«They kept seeing me, but I kept trying to dodge them because I had cars pulling up trying to get me... I've been shot at, stabbed, bricked, bottled, run over... I couldn't stay in one place and have a conversation with somebody.»
He was loathed by some of the traditionalist «Fatimist» campaigners - one tried to stab him in May 1982 at Fatima - and some lobbied angrily against his beatification.
A Lefebvrist priest — members of the Society of St Pius X have long been fervent supporters of the Fatimist conspiracy theories — tried to stab him while he was at the shrine.
Now maybe the next time I get stabbed or something — I don't know — but at least I know I hold a standard that does work — tried, tested, and results.
I wish my stomach didn't hate me so much when I eat a lot of dates as otherwise I would try these out but unfortunately I get the worst stabbing pains every time I eat more than 1 date at a time.
I would personally be much more likely to take a stab at using a urinal if everybody else couldn't see my perplexed face as I tried to figure out what I was doing.)
A substitute teacher was stabbed after trying to break up a fight at the school in May.
While no one can wave a magic wand and make someone return to their ex, we knew we could take a stab at it and came up with a strategy in our Irresistible Dating Coaching program for Steven to give it one last try.
Mugen Souls tries to take a few stabs at making fun of games such as Disgaea while itself committing the same atrocities — i.e. needless grinding, relying on stat maximization and an insane amount of battles.
There's not much that's original in this stab at comedy, and I say «stab» because it feels as if they're trying to kill it, and trying, and trying.
► Several teenagers confront three other teens in a train car and fistfights erupt with punching, kicking, choking and slamming of bodies onto walls and floors: a teen girl punches a young man for leering at her (we see a few scrapes on teen girls and teen boys), a teen boy pulls a knife and another boy takes it from him and stabs him multiple times below the frame while a young man holds a teen girl's head out the boxcar door, choking her (she gags) and trying to toss her out, but another young man pulls him away; during one fistfight the arm of a young man catches against a pole outside the boxcar as the train passes and the young man screams (it is implied that he lost his arm, but we do not see this).
ParaNorman tries to go the Corpse Bride route to an extent, but mixes in images of such iconic, manifest malificence that its stab at an empathic twist falls flat.
It's kind of exciting to see the filmmakers try their hands at such a broad, formally playful comedic form, but their fledgling stab is uneven: Not all of the actors seem in the same register, and scenes often take on the distinct feel of an awkward community - theater production.
Late in the film, Ribisi asks Brolin whether maybe there's something a little troubling or even hypocritical about their gangster - smashing squad trying to destroy Cohen's empire using tactics even the vicious Cohen might find excessively destructive, but the film is so unrelentingly positive and unambiguous in its depiction of righteous violence that this stab at moral ambiguity feels arbitrary and halfhearted.
For most, the choice was relatively easy since even though Eastwood's output of late has been a bit on the uneven side, he has still made more than his share of stone - cold classics and his willingness to experiment at an age when most filmmakers become increasingly entrenched in the tried - and - true, even when those experiments end up going sideways, promised something more interesting than the wooden acting and tepid stabs at «kink» that have distinguished the «Fifty Shades» films so far.
These are dull, one - dimensional participants about whom one finds it awfully tough to care, no matter how hard the movie tries to prod us with shameless stabs at emotion.
Fantastic FourJoining Spider - Man in the annals of dizzyingly rapid reboots, Fox's second stab at «Fantastic Four» comes just eight years after the first try and its sequel, which didn't set the bar inordinately high.
I'm still trying to figure it out and don't expect to personally come to a full conclusion until more time passes, but here's my first stab at reassessing my personal Metroid ranking after Samus Returns.
Joining Spider - Man in the annals of dizzyingly rapid reboots, Fox's second stab at «Fantastic Four» comes just eight years after the first try and its sequel, which didn't set the bar inordinately high.
Eventually, James (Chris Pine) grows up to be a cocky slacker with potential, Spock (Zachary Quinto) grows up to be, well, Spock, and the whole crew of the Enterprise gets their first stab at adventure as they try to save everybody from those mean, tattoo - faced Romulans.
If people don't respond to your stabs at filmmaking, try making it more about you and how you can help others instead of making it about the book.
If you have an overinflated ego, believe your writing originates from the hands of the Great Cosmic Muffin, or are just plain ill - tempered, please state this at the top of your query, and I will allow you to stab about like a blind man trying to fork a pea.
I really thank you for try to take a stab at figuring out what is happening with the market.
If you have an overinflated ego, believe your writing originates from the hands of the Great Cosmic Muffin, or you're just a donkey's rear end, please state this at the top of your query, and I will refrain from helping you and let you stab about like a blind man trying to fork a pea.
Let me take a quick stab at a couple of the Q's, and I might have to circle back later when I have more time... basically, my first thought while reading your questions on my investments is to try not to overcomplicate it, and try not to categorize each investment.
While trying to pin this down is a fool's errand, that doesn't mean we can't at least take a quick stab at it, right?
Scott Donaldson: Sure, I'll try to take a stab at that.
I also find it quite funny that you are trying to take a stab at the industry as «dirty» when you are making a buck on google ads that highlight a bunch of debt settlement companies... some of which were named specifically in the congressional hearing.
Sacred 3 tries to take a stab at this genre with their latest release but sadly forgets to implements a few components that would greatly help the overall experience of the game.
Everybody had this really ill - advised idea back in the late 90's that they could create the fabled «Mario Kart Beater», and — knowing everybody loves a trier — some are still having a crack at it today (Sega actually had a pretty damn good stab at it!).
After all, Dead Space 3 had a stab at the more industry - friendly kind of horror, and then we all turned around and tried to stab it back before the infection could spread to any games with integrity.
We'll try to take a stab at this.
Aren't scientists just trying to use limited data in a complex system to take a stab at what's likely in the future there is no cabal They are trying but so far they are failing spectacularly!»
If you're going to game on your smartphone, do it properly — having a dedicated gaming accessory can make a huge difference to the way you game on mobile, saving you stabbing wildly at the screen and trying to control the action without any physical buttons.
I've tried quite a few sub - # 100 stabs at true wireless and, sad to say, most of them are no good.
Anywho, they've been trying to decide how to lay out the area next to their living room, so I thought I'd take a stab at creating an inspirational photo drawing in Photoshop for them.
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