Sentences with phrase «stable economies of the world»

Canada has been seen to be one of the most stable economies of the world today.

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Across the world, many countries are trying to rebalance their economies toward more stable sources of growth — be it China, trying to rebalance away from investment toward consumption, or Germany trying to boost domestic sources of demand.
The strong rise in the currency in the first six months of the year had been driven by investors chasing yields in the more stable economies, in what was a deteriorating climate for the world economy and share markets.
By supporting organizations and programs that will leave our world in better shape for the next generation, we are confident that LexCorp can help to create a stable and properous global economy of the future.
Today, Mr Brown insisted that Britain had some of the lowest inflation rates in the world, and was one of the most stable economies, adding: «My first and foremost commitment is to maintain economic stability - stability yesterday, today and tomorrow.»
«Our generous but carefully controlled aid programme is both an investment in the freedom and prosperity of the poorer countries and in a stable and expanding world economy»
Previous studies have found that a few TNCs own large chunks of the world's economy, but they included only a limited number of companies and omitted indirect ownerships, so could not say how this affected the global economy — whether it made it more or less stable, for instance.
If the Faroe Islands succeeds in developing a stable energy system that integrates large amounts of renewable energy, not only will the country secure its own economy, it also could light the way toward low - carbon energy solutions around the world.
When we think of questions such as «how to provide a stable growth of the global economy so as put the aggrieved communities of the world back to work,» we make the mistaken assumption that just getting people to produce and consume more commodities is the answer to the problems we are facing during this horrific economic crisis.
A stable government, growing economy, and the promise of an active, pleasurable lifestyle attract interesting people from all over the world.
If emission analyses consider empirical data reflecting the progressive degradation that occurs (often over decades) before and independently of agriculture market signals for land use, as well as changes in the frequency and extent of fire in areas that biofuels help bring into more stable market economies, then the resulting carbon emission estimates would be worlds apart.
«Canada has emerged from the recession has one of the world's most stable economies,» says Adam Lepofsky, president of legal headhunter RainMaker Group.
In other parts of the world where local economies are crashing and their currency is devalued, it seems to also be creating a demand for a store of value in other more stable currencies such as Bitcoin.
The hopes are high that the cryptocurrency world can calm down, and begin to represent a stable part of the world economy.
While most Western countries have relatively stable economies, political structures, currencies and established real estate markets, these factors may be less secure in other parts of the world.
Italy is a stable «old world» economy, however we look at Milan as very much a site specific opportunity — with the capacity to build similar to our iconic centers in London, Sydney, San Francisco for example, in one of the best consumer demographics in the continent.
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