Sentences with phrase «stable exchange services»

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This is why most, if not all, bitcoin wallet services, exchange platforms and other services that provide bitcoin services in one way or another will be shutting down deposits, withdrawals and trading shortly before the hard fork occurs until a time afterwards when they are certain that everything is stable.
They know they can instantly exchange it, at a fairly stable price, nearly anywhere for goods and services.
«Our vision is to forge an active community with a two-fold objective: provide people who are comfortable with cryptocurrencies with a stable, regulated environment to develop everyday use of euro - denominated cryptocurrency; [and] create opportunities for people who are new to cybercurrencies to discover their potential while taking advantage of a mobile service that includes innovative currency exchange services
They are from an instrument at present that can be exchanged for any good or service and they are far from stable in price.
They know they can instantly exchange it, at a fairly stable price, nearly anywhere for goods and services.
So, here's how it's going to work: Normal people who aren't token speculators will hold fiat, and they will exchange them for tokens at the very last minute via a new third party intermediary payment processor whose job will be to turn whatever stable currency you have into tokens for the purpose of paying for that service.
A transitory asset for exchange to goods and services, and also fiat money A digital platform for emittance and trade of stable crypto assets backed up by raw minerals A store of savings and an investment tool
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