Sentences with phrase «stable pool»

Viruses containing BRAF gRNA (BRDN0000561167 and BRDN0001146266)(76479 - LV and 76480 - LV) or control GFP gRNA (BRDN0000561167)(80034 - LV) were individually used to transduced stable pools of Cas9 - A549 cells at an MOI of 0.3, as recommended by the original publication.
«We don't just look at total soil organic carbon, but also the components of soil that have stable pools of carbon — humic substances, which gives us a much more accurate and precise view of the stable, long - term storage of carbon in the soils.»
The vaccine generated a pool of TH1 CD4 + T cells (also called helper T cells) that are necessary for an effective antibody response as well as a stable pool of CD8 + T memory cells.
Overview: In practice you would select the Cas9 line that's «most efficient at editing» to introduce the gRNA, but I just randomly chose one of my stable pools.
Such high - quality courses require a strong and stable pool of CTE - certified teachers, yet in CTE — as in many subject areas — prepared and experienced teachers are hard to find.
Wells claims that in exchange for this stable pool of tenants, investors should be willing to pay a premium.
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