Sentences with phrase «stable returns»

Furthermore, holding a basket of different types of investments will likely create more stable returns over time than only investing in one asset type.
The fund is low on volatility hence it is a prudent investment for someone who is looking for stable returns over long term.
Seniors housing assets are a highly desirable residential option, offering stable returns for both investors and lenders.
Provide stable returns by investing in assets of relatively low to moderate level of risk.
It is possible to invest with confidence, peace of mind and stable return on investment by following two rules.
• How to better manage risk and volatility and get higher and more stable returns in your investment portfolio.
To provide stable returns by investing in assets of relatively low to moderate level of risk.
Therefore, return on investment is generally low but such plans do offer stable returns.
It has a long term objective to target a real return above Australian inflation with an emphasis on risk taken in recognition that investors prefer relatively stable returns over time.
It is more like 6 % now, so enjoy the relatively stable returns from corporate bonds.
Taking risk to get stable returns is a crowded trade.
This fund gives access to a simple absolute strategy that seeks stable returns in a multi asset fund and avoids the use of derivatives and selling short stocks.
To generate stable returns by investing in debt & money market instruments across the yield curve & credit spectrum.
Investors, who were attracted to the fund's history of stable returns quickly realized that past performance is no guarantee of future returns.
Investing in the electric business is about long stable returns.
On the conservative side, the funds are mostly invested in debts and money markets which ensure stable returns and low risk.
He has thus locked in the returns from the rise in the equity markets and is now enjoying stable returns from the bond market.
The typical objective of stable value funds is to provide preservation of capital, relatively stable returns consistent with their comparatively low risk profile, and liquidity for benefit - responsive payments.
ETF investing offers an accessible opportunity to achieve greater and more stable returns without the high fees of mutual funds and is an important tool for individual investors.
However, balanced funds attempt to manage this problem and establish higher and more stable return effectively.
The cash value accumulation segment is a stable investment because there is a long history of life insurance investments providing a fairly stable return which is advantageous in unstable economic times.
Or would you be happy with regular and stable returns on a consistent basis?
The core portfolio of the fund (above 70 per cent) constitutes long - term holdings (thereby providing stable returns) with the balance being tactical bets.
I personally prefer high yield savings accounts and money market funds, which are great choices if you're after solid and stable returns over time as well as liquidity.
He has accumulated savings and is looking for an investment solution where he can invest those savings and get stable returns.
During times when stocks have performed poorly, however, bonds traditionally have provided more stable returns.
While on the conservative side, the funds are usually invested in money markets and debts that ensure stable returns and low risk.
UTI Mutual Fund (UTIMF) aspires to be able to consistently deliver stable returns to its investors who have invested in its medium to long - term investment plans.
This is because your money gets invested in liquid / ultra-short debt funds which are very safe (almost as safe as your savings bank deposits) which gives stable returns.
Fixed deposits (FD) are very popular investment options in India, because they provide stable returns with lower risks.
So if you're interested in generating a more stable return stream from your portfolio and maximizing your Sharpe ratio, including a long position on BEI is probably a good idea.
Their clients wanted stable returns that didn't cap out at 2 % per year.
Strategies designed to generate stable returns through diversified exposure to global factor and market risk premia.
While the investment objectives of these products are essentially the same — preserving capital, generating relatively attractive stable returns while trending rates, and providing liquidity for benefit payments1 to participants at book value — there are nuances to each product type and additional features that should be investigated.
In my opinion, this is due to the flood of liquidity seeking high stable returns, which is in turn driven partially by the need to fund the retirements of the baby boomers, and by modern portfolio theory with its mistaken view of risk as variability, rather than probability of loss, and the likely severity thereof.
Research is her life's work and by combining her scientific grounding in quantitative investment management with a pragmatic approach to business challenges, she's helped several institutional investors achieve stable returns from their global wealth portfolios.
Despite the risks associated with investing in stocks during the Great Depression, several other asset classes performed well and provided relatively stable returns throughout the period (see table).
What these larger solar leasing and PPA companies have done is to get investors who want long term stable returns to put up money to fund installing solar panels on your home.
Sale - leaseback transactions are a proven way for companies to tap capital and investors to secure stable returns — both highly desirable in this volatile environment.
«Windfall taxes will hurt pensioners who rely on stable returns for a comfortable retirement, sin taxes hit the poorest hardest, and a mansion tax would be a vindictive gesture that will eventually find its way down the property ladder to hit much less expensive homes, too.»
I'm very interested in firms that have maintained stable margins, stable returns on equity, and stable / growing sales over the last 10 years.
UTI Mutual Fund (UTIMF) aspires to be able to consistently deliver stable returns to its investors who have invested in its medium to long - term... read more
Fixed Deposits (FD) Fixed deposits (FD) are very popular investment options in India, because they provide stable returns with lower risks.
Prior to acquiring bottling operations, KO generated very high and stable returns in the 20 % range.
In this article I show that very basic quantitative trading strategies that generate returns from different market behaviours, when combined, can provide a more desirable and stable returns stream, as reflected in a Sharpe ratio higher than any individual strategy.
He thus locked in the returns from the rise in the equity markets and is now enjoying stable returns from the bond market.
He has accumulated savings and is looking for an investment solution where he can invest those savings and get stable returns.
That being said, the most important benefit of asset allocation is reducing that risk in order to earn more stable returns by diversifying the portfolio.

Phrases with «stable returns»

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