Sentences with phrase «stacked against your success»

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But it's very much a double - edged sword, Kilduff finds; left unchecked and allowed to develop in unfavorable conditions, it can fester into a warped motivator; suddenly, success is measured solely by how we stack up against a single competitor.
This means that while I am pursuing an academic career with commitment and passion, I am also aware that that the odds are stacked against our generation of young scholars and that success and failure depend on more than our personal effort.
Educational barriers and challenges often vary by region, yet at districts where odds seem disproportionately stacked against student success — such as Jefferson County Schools (JCS) in rural West Virginia — school leaders know that delivering excellence in education requires vision, strategy and, sometimes, complete process overhaul.
Why would a teacher want to teach in a school surrounded by poverty and have the cards stacked against them, when they can teach in an affluent school and have immediate success?
The rules of the market can make pupil numbers and therefore income so unpredictable for individual schools that it undermines their staffing and curriculum stability and stacks the odds for success against them.
If we assume a 30 % success rate of «bad - to - great» turnaround efforts regardless of industry, the cards are stacked heavily against even the most adept and inspired leadership teams.
The 2/3 titles out of hundreds or thousands of good ones mean that the good Self Published authors are even harder to find and the odds of their success are getting stacked higher and higher against them.
While it may not precisely stack up against Apple's recent announcement of their 25 Billionth App download, Amazon's App Store has a new success story in the form of Kindle Fire game publisher G5 Entertainment.
I'm celebrating with the return of another list that debuted last year — my personal opinion on how the seven major videogame consoles stacked up against one another in 2014, with sales successes taken out of the equation.
First off, I had no understanding of how wedding fairs work (tip: nobody buys at a wedding fair, and 90 % of success is follow - up), so the odds were already stacked against me.
The book turns what you consider advantages and disadvantages on their head, showing that even when the odds seem stacked against you, they could work in your favour and lead to success.
Even though all the statistics are stacked against second marriages — even more fail than first marriages — with lots of hard work and love, success is possible.
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