Sentences with phrase «stacks of magazines piling»

Much better than a sloppy stack of magazines piled up somewhere!

Not exact matches

After finding pile after pile of collected recipes, cooking magazine after magazine stacked by my bedside, I decided it was time to get organized.
As I write this post, I'm surrounded by a sea of cardboard boxes, stacks of books and papers, and a huge pile of food magazines that I'm not entirely ready to party ways with just yet.
Stacked akimbo in the corner of my kitchen table, now leaning at a somewhat crazy angle, is the two - month - old pile of magazines, journals, newspaper columns, and newsletters about wine.
If youre drowning in stacks of magazines, newspapers, and school notes, get baskets from Ikea and put them where your piles are for storage.
Pile a stack of winter books and magazines to inspire you right by your most inviting chair or sofa.
Composed of glass blocks and piles of the vintage magazines, her precariously stacked sculptures comment on ways of looking and seeing, providing varying perspectives, a lens through which to view the past and give context to contemporary culture.
Piles of magazines and newspapers easily stack up and create clutter.
Got stacks of magazines, papers, bills and other household items piled onto your coffee table?
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