Sentences with phrase «staff capacity»

Schools have a dynamic workforce, which requires leaders to continually build staff capacity to work together in teams.
The summer program for students has proven to be a useful vehicle for increasing staff capacity and providing support for the implementation of new instructional strategies.
The district is also working to expand staff capacity to address the various causes of chronic absence.
It also provides schools with resources, expertise, and staff capacity as new needs arise.
Among other things, the grant will fund added staff capacity to carry out the work, including a new full - time Project Coordinator position.
I welcome responsibly and have experience managing each market to operate at full staff capacity; a proven record of achieve or exceed business goals.
In addition, the inquiry team approach builds staff capacity to use student data and lead school improvement efforts.
She served in exhibit staff capacities of increasing responsibility at the Children's Museum of Pittsburgh before moving to the greater Boston area and The Discovery Museums of Acton, where she was Visitor Services Manager before being promoted to Operations Manager.
Incorporate critical thinking into programs, activities and services; support building staff capacity through professional development and professional learning communities
Each school recently received a School Improvement Grant and is involved with NEA's Priority School Campaign, which focuses on raising student achievement in struggling schools by leveraging community assets, improving staff capacity, developing family and community partnerships, and improving district and local Association capacity.
Specifically, officials at the state and district levels have had difficulty building staff capacity for implementing the reforms, meeting the requirements to develop teacher evaluations and increase student learning time, and gathering data on performance in SIG schools to make decisions about future grant renewals.
«It is our hope that the capacity we build within the GRA will enable this institution to better protect Ghana's borders, guard the revenue coffers and strengthen staff capacity to deliver on its mandate.
Feedback results encouraged us to develop staff capacity, acquire necessary space, and create strong partnerships with community providers and our families.
Through the program, the university provides free professional learning and resource kits to dozens of schools in low SES (socioeconomic status) areas to build staff capacity in teaching robotics - based curriculum activities.
Build instructional staff capacity regarding instructional knowledge of standards, content and instructional methods;
To systematize accessibility in a school or district takes a coordinated effort that includes examining purchasing policies, staff capacity on the issue, how accessibility legislation applies to new and emerging technologies, and much, much more.
Sufficient staff capacity and resources are needed to successfully align and integrate the outcomes of a pastoral care review into the school's vision and strategic plan.
Increasing Staff Capacity Appleberry views the ongoing support and encouragement of teachers as essential.
Intensive leadership development seminars prompt critical leadership conversations and actions around staff capacity, talent management, instructional change, data - informed decisions, parent engagement, and building structures to ensure sustained success.
The truth is with limited staff capacity and resources the Arts Commission is restricted in the ways it can partner with private and nonprofit organizations.
BigTime IQ improves workflow by simplifying creating accounts, managing staff capacity and efficiency, tracking outside expenses and consultants, and drawing all of that data into invoices when you're ready to bill.
4.10 Increasing staff capacity through training to ensure the use of research based strategies that align with the needs of the program population is used strategically at the school.
Strategies center on five research - driven elements that lead to permanent systemic change: leveraging community assets, improving staff capacity and effectiveness, developing family and community partnerships, improving district and local association capacity and collaboration, and improving student achievement and learning.
Held a facilitator position in the district - wide Equity and Integration Program that aims to strengthen staff capacity to work effectively with learners and families from diverse backgrounds.
While each district approached the implementation of UDL in a distinctive way, the authors find that there were common strategies that encouraged district buy - in and developed staff capacity.
Initial investments have already been made by thousands of local governments in energy efficiency projects, programs, policies, and expanding staff capacity, but most federal funds that have supported these efforts are expiring.
A systemic approach to school turnaround is fundamental to addressing district systems in need of change and building staff capacity for transformative leadership to scale up the work that advances improved instructional practice and student outcomes at struggling schools.
In Align the Design: A Blueprint for School Improvement, Nancy J. Mooney and Ann T. Mausbach emphasize the importance of coordinating essential school improvement processes to increase staff capacity, improve student achievement, and develop effective schools.
She contributes to Center development through building staff capacity and oversees operational, financial, and planning aspects of the Center.
Hospitals also don't have the staff capacity to provide continuous monitoring without the use of machines, and round the clock emotional support the way the midwives at birth centers or at home do.
Kitchen use must be prioritized according to the districts» staff capacity to effectively manage the number of requests and meet the needs of all interested parties.
And then the only real comment I'd add is we have neither the staff capacity nor the resources to do this research in every country».
«My big objective in the next four or five years is to make sure we have the resource base - and that is funding - to be able to match them in terms of our communications and our staff capacities.
Mr Prosper Ahalivor who spoke on behalf of the Head of the Local Government Service (LGS) said it was pertinent to disclose that in its bid to improve institutional and staff capacity, competition, performance and service delivery, the Service had developed and implementing an evaluation / assessment system known as the LGS Performance Management System (PMS).
According to official guidance A&E diverts, where an emergency department has temporarily closed because of the lack physical space and / or staff capacity to deal with any additional patients, should only occur as a «last resort».
It would be relatively easy to staff this capacity.
Additional measures undertaken include «the reorganization of the commission's administrative structure; staff capacity building and professionalization; institutionalization of long - term planning processes; introduction of technology such as biometric registration and authentication processes (Permanent Voter Cards and Smart Card Readers), collation and results management as well as the tracking and monitoring of electoral activities».
and staff capacity.
Schools involved in the program (and there are around 50 this year) get robotics loan kits to support curriculum activities and build staff capacity.
Presently, many private schools do not have the staff capacity, or the budget, to engage in these types of marketing activities.
We work with education leaders at all levels to build their capacity to plan and support improvement, communicate goals and expectations, build staff capacity, motivate others to action, allocate resources, and track results.
Develop common vision, plan and strategy for incorporating critical thinking into teaching and learning; build staff capacity and support innovative teaching practices, such as selecting key components of critical thinking (e.g., logic, recognizing manipulation, evaluating sources) to emphasize schoolwide
Leadership program at the UIC College of Education as effective tools in building teacher and staff capacity to serve students.
Authorizers reported gains in nine of 12 Index categories, with double - digit improvements in practices related to increased transparency, the setting of performance expectations and building staff capacity.
Next up is stage two, which speaks to building staff capacity.
Courses may be taken individually to build staff capacity or in clusters to complete professional learning requirements of the National Dropout Prevention Specialist Certification Program.
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