Sentences with phrase «stage brain stem cells»

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This early stage research will explore how the virus targets stem cells and provide the starting point to develop new treatments that seek out the tumour and spare the surrounding healthy brain tissue.
In a study being published in the journal Neuron, researchers show that the signal molecule TGF - beta acts as a time signal that regulates the nerve stem cells» potential at different stages of the brain's development — knowledge that may be significant for future pharmaceutical development.
One type of stem cell can produce multiple types of nerve cells at different stages of the brain's development.
During the initial stages of typical brain development, stem cells go through a period in which they divide to make more stem cells, increasing their numbers.
Retrotransposons are normally silenced to prevent harmful mutations from occurring in egg and sperm cells, but are mobilized during certain stages of brain development, when neurons are being produced from dividing stem cells.
In this method, skin cells are turned directly into brain, heart, liver, or pancreas cells without going through a stem cell stage first.
Supported by a CIRM translational grant, scientists in Huang's laboratory are using human stem cells to create inhibitory neuron progenitors — early - stage brain cells that can develop into mature inhibitory neurons.
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