Sentences with phrase «stage process allows»

Not exact matches

Finally, you must intentionally build systems and processes that allow you to deliver such a wonderful experience that your customers have little choice but to rave about your company and its services to their friends, neighbors and colleagues at all stages of the life cycle.
increased support of viable early stage issuers by private equity companies, thereby allowing issuers to defer listing until they are at a more mature stage, or avoid the listing process if they are acquired by a larger entity.
Currently, the company's operations only allow it to process in batches, with downtime between each stage.
Synuma is the only company to offer a single project management tool that allows franchisors and corporations to seamlessly track their business process from initial sales through the development and construction stages to ongoing operations for multiple locations.
This space allows Chicagoans to fully experience what it would be like to dine inside a luxury kitchen where the process of cooking takes center stage.
In other cases, using our rotary and transfer turntables allow you to direct the bottles or other containers from one stage to another without disrupting the automated process.
Step stools that allow the child to reach the sink for handwashing and tooth brushing, low shelves in the closet for clothing so that children can be actively involved in every stage of the dressing process, and healthy snacks in a low cabinet so that the child can help themselves when hungry are all examples of ways that this can be done.
However, officials note that «the current inspection framework is antithetical to the Steiner ethos / pedagogical approach» in terms of «Literacy in Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Key Stage 1 (KS1)», where Ofsted required «more formal learning»; «KS2 tests», as «Last year, the Academy pupils did not sit the tests (the Academy provided the exam papers and rooms for pupils to sit the exams but parents chose not to allow their pupils to sit the tests)»; and «Teaching and learning», where it is noted that the schools consider that «any process which judges learning as the immediate outcome from teaching in a lesson is inappropriate.
Only those who have been members of the BNP for over two years were allowed to vote in the nominations stage of the process.
But beyond acquiring a meal, cannibalism enables individuals of some species to accelerate their developmental process, as we saw with spadefoot toads, allowing them to quickly outgrow a stage in which they might be preyed upon or perish due to unpredictable environmental conditions.
«We think the key process that would have allowed these molecules to go to the next stage is a wet - dry cycling like what we are doing in the lab.
The new processes developed by the research team are based on classic heterocyclic chemistry, and in ideal conditions, they allow reaching the complete synthesis in just one stage.
La Cour - Harbo and his colleagues plan to add further sensors to their drone, which along with better processing capabilities will allow the system to build maps that include soil nutrition levels, plant growth stages and pest infestations.
Drug discovery in academia, because of the financial constraints, is on a much smaller scale than industry and therefore allows «hands - on» experience of several stages in the process as well as more extensive training in a single area.
«The technique allows knowing parameters such as the amount of fat, moisture, color and some sensory attributes of the product; and in the case of ham, also monitoring the salt diffusion during the different stages of the maturation process,» explains Trinidad Pérez Palacios, a member of IProCar.
Of note, the technique employed allowed the authors to visualize the stage - specific formation and disassembly of transcription factor interaction hubs during the reprogramming process
CNL said the invitation represents the launch of its SMR review process, including the pre-qualification stage, which allows CNL to evaluate the «technical and business merits of proposed designs, assess the financial viability of the projects, and review the necessary national security and integrity requirements».
This allows your body to enter the catabolic stage, where your body has stopped processing your food and is now free to repair cellular damage throughout the body — that is often why we think we need to eat again — the pain of detoxification.
Chronological dating, or simply dating, is the process of attributing to an object or event a date in the past, allowing such object or event to be located Dating is a stage of romantic relationships in humans whereby two people meet socially with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as a
This process is 3 stages that allow you to better get to know each other.
It allows members from eHarmony to be able to review their matches and communicate with them for free through the 4 stage communication process.
Online dating sites such as, and take the traditional matchmaking process online and allow people to meet one another via Dating is a stage of romantic relationships in humans whereby two people meet socially with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as a
Dating is a stage of romantic relationships in humans whereby two people meet socially with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as a Chronological dating, or simply dating, is the process of attributing to an object or event a date in the past, allowing such object or event to be located
Kaizena allows teachers to leave voice notes on a student paper, making it easy to check in and comment on work during different stages in the process.
Teachers need to allow the first two stages to occur (2 - 3 weeks) before facilitating the classroom norming process.
This first screening stage will allow you to prioritise your time and identify who needs to undergo the second stage screening process which is one on one.
In this situation, conducting appropriate research would have served to bring parents on board at an early stage in the proceedings, allowing them to engage in and influence the process — concerns could have been addressed early on, and compromises reached.
Learning using these apps can be viewed and measured as it happens, allowing teachers to intervene at a much earlier stage in the process.
Unlike the process in so many states, teacher evaluation and high - stakes accountability were left out of the initial stages of implementation, allowing teachers and students time to adjust.
We have simplified all our processes allowing all our clients to follow up on the progress of their papers from placing the order to choosing a skilled writer, through the writing process and finally the final stage which is proofing and editing of your essays.
(If author has ordered cover design or book formatting, allow an additional 10 days for this stage of the process at minimum.)
Everything you need to catch your own creative flow and allow it to take you, effortlessly and imaginatively, through the seven stages of the process, from creative intention (Stage 1) to completion (Stage 7).
Amazon does allow users to lend some books — far shy of their entire catalog — to other Kindle users, but every stage of the lending process seems to actively hinder book - sharing.
Our unique approach allows us to help you at every stage of the publishing process from manuscript submission to distribution.
Our lending processes allow for marketplace flexibility, enabling clients in all stages of investing to capitalize on a variety of real estate opportunities, including:
Aside from eliminating any need to charge extra fees, this allows our team to remain fast and efficient and keep you informed at every stage of the mortgage process.
«Also, we're placing a heavy emphasis on the meat or fish source in each recipe, along with more clearly defining the life stage and differentiating the grain - free form whole - grains diets, to help streamline the shopping process and allow consumers to more easily select the recipe that's right for their pet.»
Fully grown Yoshi also makes a return in some stages, allowing Mario to once again hop on his back and eat enemies, as well as apples that Yoshi processes into power - ups via means likely best left unconsidered.
That's the stage of the game where design and development are fluid, allowing developers to experiment and iterate before the cumbersome process of actual production begins.
It allowed the audience to really understand the process and stages that are involved in the creation of his work.
Beginning with the number «0» and working through the sequence to the point where the painting of number «9» completes the painting, this process allows Johns to build up the painting through a series of progressive and pre-determined stages.
His digital construction process allows for public interactions and collaborations to bleed from the conception stage of a project into the aesthetics and compositions of each frame.
Although Zakrzewski's oeuvre has occasionally veered toward the ephemeral and as a whole may seem somewhat erratic (in the early»70s, he made documentary films and staged happenings), it has always engaged in an «esthetic play» that allows him to explore the processes of memory, fantasy, and identification.
Painting, especially much better than words, allows oneself to express the various stages of thought, including the deeper levels, the underground stages of the mental process.
Recyclers must comply with all applicable health and safety laws, and we do not allow the use of prison labor at any stage of the recycling process.
Mediated through the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, mechanisms exist that allow for the transfer of funds and capacity from richer to poorer countries to enable the latter to meet their obligations (i.e., the Central African Forest Initiative; Müller 2016), as well as a staged process for poorer countries to reduce emissions in line with their capacity to do so.
Specifying «increasing sink capacity», or increasing the capacity to remove GHGs (that is, greenhouse gas removal, or «GHGR») as a separate category allows us to distinguish two separate stages in the process of avoiding dangerous anthropogenic interference that are usually bundled together under the term «mitigation».
It allows users to pick and choose the solutions that best suit their unique workflows across different stages of the e-discovery process — and solve data challenges outside e-discovery.
Consistent with the emphasis on good corporate governance is the fact that a self - report, among other things, is relevant at later stages in the criminal justice process: sentencing guidelines on the sentencing of corporates introduced in October 2014 (to which courts have regard when determining financial penalties under DPAs) refer to a corporate's culture as relevant to determining its sentence in the event of a conviction for bribery offences, among others, in the UK: a culture of wilful disregard for the commission of offences will lead to a corporate being placed at the most culpable end of the spectrum and facing the heaviest fines available.17 Further, the amended Public Contracts Regulations 2015 introduced on 26 February 2015 allow blacklisted companies to bid for public contracts if they prove, among other things, that they have «clarified the facts and circumstances in a comprehensive manner by actively collaborating with the investigating authorities».18
In allowing the appeal the Court of Appeal accepted that Mr Justice Soole had correctly considered the three stage process as set down in Denton v TH White Ltd but that in circumstances where there had been a breach for no reason and an appeal hearing had been lost, very significant factors were required to tip the scales in favour of granting relief.
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