Sentences with phrase «stagnate for»

«Suggesting that the warming might possibly slow down or even stagnate for a few years before rapid warming commences again.»
Assuming that prices stagnate for 20 years, dividend investors will do well.
But a teacher's pay should not stagnate for reasons beyond his or her control.
Living standards grow for some, while they stagnate for many.
Referring to the pre-crisis experience is important because the catchphrases that have dominated the debate in the last few years (New Normal and Secular Stagnation) suggest that we have entered a new state of the world, where growth and inflation are destined to stagnate for the foreseeable future.
But if you look at other L - T periods the market can be rather stagnate for capital gains.
But it's common for home prices to stagnate for a few years even in a normal market.
The central bank said it expected the economy to stagnate for the rest of 2016 and suffer weak growth throughout next year.
Cambodia stagnated for the latter part of the 20th century partly because of internal conflict and the lack of infrastructure in rural areas.
But picking up a drugstore chain that has stagnated for years and is now barely half its size of a year ago is a risky way to do that.
We stagnated for years, and the past 2 seasons we have gone backwards.
Who said that a replacement must be a big hit or a big name??? the fact is that the club has stagnated for over a decade and a new and perhaps a younger coach with new ideas is needed to take us to a new level!!!
Our economy should work for everyone, but if your pay has stagnated for several years in a row and fixed items of spending keep going up, it doesn't feel like it's working for you.
«The parks budget has been stagnating for years.
I've been back on it for 2 weeks, and my lifts have all gone up after being stagnated for weeks.
The findings on DR Congo reveals that education slowed in the 1980's and stagnated for more than a decade prior to the protracted conflict more so in the Eastern region of the country since 1990.
High School Graduation Rate Moves Up The Wall Street Journal, January 15, 2013 «America's high school graduation rate, which stagnated for the last three decades of the 20th century, is now climbing, according to a new, comprehensive look at the key education gauge by Harvard University economist [Professor] Richard Murnane.»
America's high school graduation rate, which stagnated for the last three decades of the 20th century, is now climbing, according to a new, comprehensive look at the key education gauge by Harvard University economist Richard Murnane.
As Obama pushes for universal preschool, a new report shows that states endured a historic drop in pre-K funding last year, and enrollment stagnated for the first time in years.
At the same time, the ebook market has more or less stagnated for the last few years.
The front - lit industry stagnated for many years, until Kobo released the Aura One in 2016.
It's not the first time that this stock has stagnated for several days with no price change or for even more days in a several cent price range.
Otherwise (noting Produce revenue has stagnated for three years now, with essentially zero profit), the board should man up & tag Produce as another non-core asset... in that case, they might as well go ahead and sell the whole kit & caboodle.
The logic of the strategy is compelling, noting DCP's NAV & earnings have stagnated for 5 years now.
While McDonald's revenue stagnated for the past decade, management was at least smart enough to show some earnings increase.
We have been blogging for a couple of months and your reach has stagnated for quite a while now.
Career modes in racing games have stagnated for quite some time, and it's something that's been most keenly felt in licensed sports, as I wrote a couple months ago.
The game's design is informed by a strong desire to innovate, and it is clear that the developers are hoping to breathe new life into a genre that has been stagnating for quite a while.
Black Ops III was the proper commitment to science fiction that the series needed after stagnating for so long, and went all in on the AI and cybernetic silliness.
The Call Of Duty series has been stagnating for ages and is in desperate need of a shake - up, and taking cues from Firefly is as good a mission statement as any, I suppose.
As a result of these contrasting trends, global coal demand reaches 5 530 Mtce in 2022, which is only marginally higher than current levels, meaning that coal use all but stagnates for around a decade.
Solar Rebate: Massachusetts solar rebates proved so popular in their first incarnation that the state flew through its funds way ahead of schedule, leaving solar homes and businesses stagnating for months last year as the state scrambled to find more funding and a new structure.
Their knowledge is much wider than that of the new young scientists because climate science has stagnated for thirty years.
Substituting in natural gas, wind, and solar for coal is a (relatively) manageable task, and the transition is aided by the fact that 1) renewables keep getting cheaper, 2) new technologies and policies are facilitating more flexible grids, and 3) electricity demand in the United States has stagnated for years, thanks to improvements in energy efficiency.
SMS has not only stagnated for the needs of users, but also for businesses.
If you feel you've been stagnating for any reason in your life, moving to a completely different location might just be the answer.
According to Reis Inc. statistics, the current office - vacancy rate is a little more than 16 percent, where it has stagnated for a few years after falling from a high of 17.
While gross domestic product has grown about 2.1 percent annually since the recession ended in 2009, that hasn't been strong enough to boost Class B and Class C retail in malls or shopping centers, which have both suffered as income has stagnated for the nonwealthy.

Not exact matches

At various points in the Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Trump administrations, new stock market records and historically low unemployment rates were used as a synonym for a booming economy, or after the financial crisis, to signal that the economy was recovering — even though many workers and households experienced stagnating or steadily declining incomes for years or even decades.
The economists who did the research for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York concluded that average workers see most of their earnings grow during the first 10 years of their career and begin to stagnate after age 35.
«It is impossible to maintain happiness when we stagnate, because happiness is the joy we feel striving for our potential,» he said.
House prices may indeed stagnate or head south for a while, especially in the heated condo markets of Vancouver and Toronto.
«Under - emphasis of these (structural) policies relative to macroeconomic, trade and financial stability policies is a key reason for many governments» failure in recent decades to mobilize a more effective response to widening inequality and stagnating median income as technological change and globalization have gathered force,» the report said.
The Busch family ran the company for nearly 130 years, even after it went public, but the stock stagnated in the early 2000s when Michelob and Budweiser fell into a sharp decline as Americans gravitated to wine and spirits.
With demand for IBM's legacy hardware and software businesses stagnating, Chief Executive Ginni Rometty has been shifting the company towards areas such as cloud - based services, security software and data analytics.
And what happened to us was that our salaries stagnated and fell while the cost of the things we couldn't do without went up at rates well beyond that of inflation for decades as the social safety was being pulled out from underneath us.
One study found, for example, that wages for U.S. workers in computer and math fields have largely stagnated since 2000.
A six per cent increase to the top federal income tax bracket, for example, might bring in $ 1 or $ 2 billion per year — not nearly enough to compensate millions of middle - earners with stagnating wages.
In Europe, the market has been more stable, but now job classifieds, which had made up for downturns in real estate and auto, are stagnating.
Trump also blamed the crisis on Puerto Ricans and their stagnating infrastructure, echoing earlier tweets from September 30, when he said that Puerto Rican leaders want «everything done for them.»
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