Sentences with phrase «stagnating incomes»

But due to climbing car prices and stagnating incomes, buyers are now asking for longer loan terms to reduce monthly payment amounts.
Stagnating incomes and soaring housing prices have led to an affordability crisis, and the government could make the argument that this should be addressed with a policy intervention.
The effect of stagnating incomes continues to spill over into the larger economy, weighing on the housing recovery and consumer spending.
Low employment rates and stagnating incomes weigh on household formation, but will also direct some of those new households into the rental market.
Emerging technology, stagnating incomes, the rise of millennials, and other factors, are driving a fundamental shift in how workers in the U.S. find and earn income.
«Faced with stagnating income, rising fuel bills and various household priorities, looking after their children's health and wellbeing is a daily struggle for many parents.
Even accounting for inflation, that's not a stagnated income.
This includes realities such as relatively high levels of unemployment, especially among young workers, increased labour strife and stagnating income levels.

Not exact matches

At various points in the Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Trump administrations, new stock market records and historically low unemployment rates were used as a synonym for a booming economy, or after the financial crisis, to signal that the economy was recovering — even though many workers and households experienced stagnating or steadily declining incomes for years or even decades.
And they admit there are challenges as incomes have been stagnating and people haven't had a real raise in 30 years.»
«Under - emphasis of these (structural) policies relative to macroeconomic, trade and financial stability policies is a key reason for many governments» failure in recent decades to mobilize a more effective response to widening inequality and stagnating median income as technological change and globalization have gathered force,» the report said.
You'd think Canadian incomes would also have stagnated, but they haven't.
By this measure it is irrefutable that American living standards have improved dramatically even during a period when median incomes have stagnated.
With median incomes stagnating, American consumers can't go much further without taking on new debt.
It's not news that incomes have stagnated.
A six per cent increase to the top federal income tax bracket, for example, might bring in $ 1 or $ 2 billion per year — not nearly enough to compensate millions of middle - earners with stagnating wages.
But even if all you care about is an overall growing economy, stagnating middle incomes can be a problem in a democracy.
Wages have stagnated as more South Floridians have retired with lower incomes, economists and state labor officials say.
In a world where governments are taking roughly half of workers» income in taxes, it should come as no surprise that employment, productivity, and incomes have stagnated
Home prices have been levitated back to the previous bubble levels (and higher in many cases), even as real income growth for most Americans has stagnated.
Before that incomes of most groups (other than single mothers and the elderly) do seem to have stagnated or declined, while after that we seem to see fairly healthy rebound / growth in market income.
The Wall Street Journal editorial board, for example, wrote that those who had no net income tax liability were «lucky duckies» — and many of them are lucky indeed with their stagnating wages and declining family stability.
Based on Office for Budget Responsibility and ONS assumptions, though GDP per person is assumed to grow by 32 % over the period, the living standards for low - and middle - income households are projected to stagnate with real disposable incomes growing by just 2 % and 9 % respectively, it is also claimed.
Although economic growth was over 11 per cent between 2003 and 2008, real incomes actually stagnated and the North - South divide widened.
Year - over-year tax collections from the personal income tax and sales tax in 46 states have grown by more than 10 percent from April through June, but revenue on the local level remains stagnate compared to last year, The Rockefeller Institute for Public Policy found.
Last December, when the stagnating economy led to a widening new budget gap, Cuomo, after saying for months he was against raising any new taxes, agreed to extend an income tax surcharge on the wealthiest New Yorkers, closing almost half of the new deficit.
As U.S. median household income has stagnated over the last decade, candidates from both parties have put forth suggestions on how to prop up the middle class and reduce income insecurity.
At the same time real household incomes have stagnated, corporations have cut numbers of workers and shipped jobs overseas, causing many people to be un - or underemployed.
A recent OECD report finds that low - and middle - income earners have seen their wages stagnate and that the income share of middle - skilled jobs has fallen.
Rising unemployment rates, minimal job growth, stagnating salaries, and declines in income and sales tax revenues have hit most states hard.
Since the late 1970s, middle and low - income families have seen their wages stagnate, despite the fact that the cost of food, housing and health care have risen year after year.
While progress to close racial achievement gaps has stagnated and income achievement gaps have grown, recent case studies enthusiastically describe «transformational» schools, which claim to
While progress to close racial achievement gaps has stagnated and income achievement gaps have grown, recent case studies enthusiastically describe «transformational» schools, which claim to establish conditions that enable students — primarily poor students of color — to achieve at levels far higher than their social background predicts.
Higher prices are also increasing the pressures on households whose incomes continue to stagnate and who continue to struggle with debt loads.
At a time when middle class American incomes were stagnating we increasingly asked these Americans to be more responsible for their own financial futures.
Of course, according to the government itself, incomes haven't stagnated since 1969, like I see claimed a lot, so a rise in housing prices comparing what we can compare, may not be unthinkable (plus, the US has grown as a population, so this is expected too).
Factoring in the corresponding «longevity risk», pension premiums could be raised significantly while disposable incomes stagnate and employees work longer years before retiring.
Years of low interest rates have driven up house prices even as income growth has stagnated.
Canadian wages are not increasing — they're stagnating, according to Statistics Canada — and thus, when things cost more (as they do), and your income isn't rising to meet those demands, taking on more debt may be the only answer you've got.
Much of the increase was in advanced developing countries like China and India, while research spending in low - income states grew on average by only 2 percent per year in that period and stagnated or declined in many.
Incomes have mostly stagnated and basic costs, like food, have gone up, so times are tough for people no matter how much they cut back.
It's almost impossible for a successful business to function with zero labour turnover, and it's certainly not desirable — as Chris Dottie, Hays Spain MD, says, «without a steady income of fresh ideas, perspectives and competitive intelligence your business will likely become complacent and stagnate».
High prices have been an obstacle for buyers in recent years, many of whom for debt has mounted and incomes have stagnated.
While gross domestic product has grown about 2.1 percent annually since the recession ended in 2009, that hasn't been strong enough to boost Class B and Class C retail in malls or shopping centers, which have both suffered as income has stagnated for the nonwealthy.
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