Sentences with phrase «stake in the outcome»

Insiders have superior access to information on internal processes (e.g., legislative hearings, board meetings) and a greater stake in the outcome of policy changes.
Second, the study was conducted by the company with a financial stake in the outcome.
They apply standards, yes, but less to principles, procedures, historical backgrounds, and political effects than they do to individuals they can identify as at stake in the outcome.
Different people will have different ideas about what those standards should be, not least because those people will have different stakes in the outcome.
My speculation is that he has a contingency deal with his lawyers, leaving him with very little money stake in the outcome.
Personal injury lawyers have a strong stake in the outcome of their cases because they usually get paid on a contingency.
But maybe death is the best outcome as Joe the hitman takes up roost in the house and establishes himself as part of the family as the ugly plan begins to unravel and other players with stakes in the outcome come out to play.
«such a personal stake in the outcome of the controversy as to assure that concrete adverseness which sharpens the presentation of issues upon which the court so largely depends for illumination of difficult constitutional questions...»
Education is everyone's responsibility — and you who represent millions of people across this country with a direct stake in the outcome of reauthorization — have a responsibility as well — to step up and do more.
The Lib Dem leader has a huge stake in the outcome of the referendum, as it was a key demand for his party during the coalition negotiations.
Do we need annual testing to tell us that income segregation means that constituencies with political power have no personal stakes in the outcomes for disenfranchised constituencies?
Large spending in races up and down the ballot led to legal changes post-election, but candidates that year benefitted from — and were hurt by — large sums of campaign money from groups forbidden from coordinating with their campaigns, but with clear stakes in the outcomes of the elections.
The costs of the process or compensation given to the neutral evaluator are generally borne equally by all parties, providing all parties with an equal stake in the outcome and an equal sense of ownership.
Not only did Hogan feel pressure to impress his new private equity investors, he had a considerable personal financial stake in the outcome as well.
The appropriate response to this, in my view, is to design systems that institutionalize certain types of criticism and that, more generally, counteract the power of entities that have large financial stakes in the outcomes of research.
August 18 Ilya Somin «Traditionally, conservative scholars and judges have advocated narrow views of constitutional «standing»: the level of «interest» litigants must have at stake in the outcome of a case in order to give them a legal right to sue.
When school levies come up for a vote, don't districts want as many taxpayers as possible to have a direct stake in the outcome?
BlackRock and its customers have a huge financial stake in the outcome of a Fannie and Freddie overhaul.
We have no stake in the outcome of this case, but we wouldn't want Google to end up taking fewer risks.
We also have a hard time being objective when we have a stake in the outcome.
Every citizen has a stake in the outcome, because every citizen has a stake in the well - being of the family.»
The stakes in the outcome of the appeal are high.
«I have not spoken to the mayor ever about the speaker's race and my emphasis is on talking to my colleagues and talking to important allies in this process, whether they be labor leaders, county organizations, activists and others who have a stake in the outcome,» Levine said.
«They were provocative, they were confrontational, they have stake in this outcome, and they have set a tone for unnecessary roughness, for unnecessary brutality,» insisted civil rights attorney Ron Kuby, who is representing the arrested protestors.
They're granted only when it's considered very likely that the parties seeking them are likely to succeed in their case; when they will suffer irreparable injury without one; and when an injunction won't «substantially» injure the other parties with a stake in the outcome and will further the public good.
Only once they have a stake in the outcome is the demonstration run.
«Everyone — including scientists, the public, policymakers, our health care system, and research funders — has a stake in the outcome.
These agencies» chief administrators said the amounts are too small to sway the opinions of evaluators who, as volunteers, have no financial stake in the outcome.
Finally, it would be unfair to judge teachers by test results when their students have no stake in the outcome.
In a very interesting and ambitious project, last year Forbes magazine challenged experts in business and education philanthropy to single out five big ideas over the next 20 years that could make American students the most highly achieving in the world and had research and modeling specialists with no stake in the outcome analyze the -LSB-...]
This is expected for expert witnesses at trials, but it is disturbing for someone who pretends to be an academic, and is not transparent that he gets paid for reports by parties with a direct financial stake in his outcomes.
Everyone who lives in the city has a stake in the outcome.
«Empowering youth to express their opinions and influence their educational experiences so that they feel they have a stake in the outcomes» is «one of the most powerful tools schools have to increase learning,» according to a recent white paper summarizing the research on student voice, engagement, and motivation.
I'm supporting this venture so I clearly have a stake in the outcome.
In practice, this means that the majority of comments are not submitted by the general public but by people who have a stake in the outcome (meaning the comments may not reflect the view of the average book buyer)
Any student debtor that received a private student loan from Sallie Mae or had their federal or private student loans serviced through Navient and experienced repayment issues has a stake in the outcome of this lawsuit.
For companies worldwide, the stakes in the outcome of the energy and climate processes during 2008 - 2009 are very high.
World leaders will come together for the Copenhagen climate change conference in December and every citizen of the world has a stake in the outcome.
In my view, mistrust results when people begin to believe that the referee has a personal stake in the outcome or for some other reason the referee's objectivity is brought into question.
All of these entities have a stake in the outcome, and an equal right to take a position.
Individuals who do not have a stake in the outcome of the suit are not permitted to enter into a lawsuit because they lack «standing.»
> [I] f participants believe that they have a stake in the outcome and will have to live with the decision and with their fellow decision makers, they may take the discussion more seriously and try harder to reach a decision that is mutually acceptable.
Even recusing all those with a stake in the outcome in the Climate Wars, there are still hundreds of thousands of scientists at large in America.
Two attorneys that have a stake in the outcome can put their heads together and work through a problem.
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