Sentences with phrase «stakeholders along the value chain»

Demonstrator projects, conducted collaboratively by various stakeholders along the value chain, are required to test new models at scale and provide evidence for their success.

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Opportunities to widen the focus of partnership with India in upstream and innovative research have opened up and will facilitate the transfer of new technologies to farmers and other stakeholders along the rice value chain.
Nteranya Sanginga, Director General of IITA, said that the symposium aimed to bring together different stakeholders including public institutions, private partners and donors along with scientists, researchers, industry partners, farmers and other stakeholders across the value chain to draw a roadmap for a sustainable cocoa sector in the region.
In this regard, LCM is an opportunity to differentiate through sustainability performance on the market place, working with all departments of a company such as research and development, procurement and marketing, and to enhance the collaboration with stakeholders along a company's value chain.
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