Sentences with phrase «stakeholders groups»

Stakeholder groups are different people or organizations who have an interest or concern in a particular project, business, or activity. They may include employees, customers, suppliers, investors, or members of the local community. These groups can be affected by the decisions and actions of the project, and therefore, it is important to consider their needs and opinions when making decisions. Full definition
Numerous interviews are conducted with a variety of stakeholder groups affiliated with the school.
Over the next six months, the Spice team will engage with stakeholder groups, discussing the ethical, social and legal issues surrounding their project.
Once a company goes public, it becomes legally bound to try to increase shareholder value on a quarterly basis, regardless of every other stakeholder group in the mix.
A strong communicator: a leader who is supportive and people — centered and who both seeks and values input from various stakeholder groups including students, families, faculty and staff.
The emphasis in these initiatives is on trust - building and social learning in collaboration with key stakeholder groups such as farmers, coastal land owners, minority groups, and industry members.
I'm also ok with mandatory attendance, levels of required contribution, and perhaps portfolios representing different stakeholder groups of Canadian society & culture.
We assess these implications and their effects on our key stakeholder groups including our growers, suppliers, our operations, customers and consumers, and we take a balanced approach.
Major education stakeholder groups across the country argue the higher standards are necessary to prepare students for college and the modern global workplace.
If necessary, consultation sessions should be small and targeted around specific stakeholder groups to protect privacy and confidentiality.
Its reluctance partly reflected the fact that powerful stakeholder groups like the agriculture industry were not in favour of free trade agreements.
Our clients are our most important stakeholder group which is why we go the extra mile to provide them with value - for - money products, awesome service and a fair deal.
It will be essential for state leaders to work with local stakeholder groups to define student success and to then design comprehensive and thoughtful accountability systems to help meet that goal.
This could help to establish networks and rebuild trust between stakeholder groups.
The report highlights that there is no single stakeholder group responsible for the state of education and no single group has the power to affect much change.
These are among the top priorities of all three stakeholder groups surveyed.
By building a network of stakeholder groups dedicated to working collaboratively to turn around low performing schools.
However, these plans often ignore the largest stakeholder group of all — the students.
The state is exploring the recommendations via multiple state department and state board stakeholder groups and partnerships with external organizations.
The goal of the workshop is to engage a broad range of climate researchers and representatives from various climate stakeholder groups.
To remain within the South African Government's required by science scenario, a concerted effort is required by the following stakeholder groups.
Finally, respondents are asked to evaluate how likely different stakeholder groups in their country are to support the pursuit of the opportunity.
Another strategy is identifying representatives from different stakeholder groups or organizations to participate in an ongoing working group.
Strategies employed to ensure buy - in and support (financial and in - kind) of the program by school leaders and administration, as well as other stakeholder groups.
They see those differences as assets, not problems to be managed, and are able to harness the power of distributed leadership to facilitate ownership and contribution across various stakeholder groups.
Consider and evaluate these carefully and involve representatives from within each of your key stakeholder groups in this decision making.
This team collaborated on the design and development of the frames with stakeholders groups, including teacher leaders, administrators, literacy experts, education researchers and more.
It included representatives from a variety of stakeholder groups.
The state's Mastery Examination Committee heard about problems with SBAC from several education stakeholder groups Monday.
TCASN's membership is approximately 150 organizations that represent multiple stakeholder groups committed to college access and success, including K - 12 schools, non-profit organizations, higher education institutions, business, and philanthropy.
She represents the industry in discussions with the authorities, legislators, media and other stakeholder groups on issues that have implications for the Hong Kong mutual fund market and the mandatory provident fund schemes market.
My comments are within the context of government where there is sometimes great interest by certain external stakeholder groups who want to know in general:
Last month, the Oregon Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (OACTE) convened the second annual Oregon Education Summit, organized to unite as many stakeholder groups as possible around educator preparation and related topics.
It evaluates the importance of stakeholder engagement and how firms can best manage their stakeholder relationships before assessing the different internal and external stakeholder groups with a vested interest in the activities of a business.
Rating: 3 - Leaders communicate effectively with appropriate and varied representatives from stakeholder groups, provide opportunities for stakeholders to shape decisions, solicit feedback and respond to stakeholders, work collaboratively on school improvement efforts, and provide and support meaningful leadership roles for stakeholders.
Participate in The Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County's procurement practices through its Small / Local / Minority / Women Business Enterprise Stakeholder Group Meetings to review and comment on the SWA's Disparity Study findings and recommendations and feedback on policy options.
«Their «Unpacking ESSA» tool kit provides the standards - based and outcomes - based framework that each school library stakeholder group needs to use in their particular policy setting.
He underscored the importance of engagement efforts between state education departments and stakeholder groups as the accountability...
WHEREAS in response to the demand for SEL, initiatives have been organized by several stakeholder groups including a collaboration of MASC, MASS, MIAA, MSSAA, MESPA, MOEC, and Teachers 21, and, in addition, a separate working group within MASC to identify available resources, new strategies, and tactics to promote the social and emotional wellbeing of children,
Despite my deep personal disappointment with progress towards a more inclusive stakeholder group for the A2J Sector, there are many heroes who are acting locally.
The BES Stakeholder Group members span the three main British political parties as well as including representatives from non-partisan groups.
The ability to speak with greater precision and cohesion would help diverse stakeholder groups create policies and support practices that address the multifaceted and individualized learning needs of each (whole) child, regardless of geographic location, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and mental or physical abilities.
Experts from many different sectors and from important FMI stakeholder groups participated in the Arctic Meteorology Summit run by FMI and in the meetings of the working groups and Senior Arctic Officials coordinated by the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
After all, if shareholders are just one more stakeholder group, then evidence that they don't approve of CEO pay is no more important than evidence of similar disapproval on the part of workers, suppliers or whomever.
The findings of the assessment were classified into stakeholder groups, including ministries, NGOs, producers / processors and education sector.
The BES Stakeholder Group compliments the input on the study from BES survey consultation events held in Edinburgh (in December 2013) and in Cardiff (in January 2014).
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