Sentences with phrase «stakes decisions affecting»

Not exact matches

Mike agreed with a city ethics board that he'd have no involvement in Bloomberg's day - to - day operations, limiting his input to major decisions that «significantly» affect his ownership stake.
SDF said that its Top Cheese Switzerland unit and its stakes in other dairy companies were not affected by the decision, and that the sale of these cheese operations would proceed as planned.
The unions» petition follows their aggressive push for a three - year moratorium on using tests aligned to the rigorous Common Core standards for «high stakes» decisions affecting teachers and students.
The petition comes as the union continues to call for a three - year moratorium on using tests aligned to the rigorous Common Core standards for «high stakes» decisions affecting teachers and students.
The organization aims to reduce or eliminate the use of high stakes testing, increase teacher autonomy in the classroom and work to include teacher and family voices in legislative decision - making processes that affect students.
But for industry and policymakers who make sweeping decisions that affect the environment — such as whether to drill for oil on protected lands or build new nuclear power plants — the financial stakes, potential consequences, and complexity of the choices defy a simple weighing of pros and cons.
With hundreds if not thousands of students affected by a single purchasing decision, the stakes could not be higher.
The National Board recommends rigorous applied studies to help understand how high stakes tests affect students» decisions to drop out and how schools, intentionally or otherwise, may encourage or discourage students to remain in school.
Interpreting and using them narrowly and then attaching a high stakes institutionalized practice to them, which is used to make sweeping generalizations and important decisions that affect peoples» lives, for example, how much income they bring home is misuse, ill informed, and morally reprehensible.
Without establishing collective stakes in the efforts — and rewards — of data - driven decision - making, educators will struggle to affect the kind of real, comprehensive institutional changes that establish the conditions of possibility for student improvement.
As a shareholder you can affect the board decisions (depends on your stake of ownership), but usually you'll want to attract more investors to keep the company running, so not much you can do to avoid it.
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