Sentences with phrase «stakes test because»

If some teachers have high value - added on the high - stakes test because of score inflation, then value - added might not be useful for identifying effective teachers.
This section is fundamental to any critique of high - stakes testing because the numbers produced by the tests carry an air of objectivity.

Not exact matches

The lawsuit has high stakes for both gun companies and gun - control advocates because it is testing a novel strategy to find a route around the broad protections granted by federal law that shield the companies from litigation if their product is used to commit a crime.
On the schools, the teachers are angry, because he's underfunding and he's imposing these high - stakes tests and the evaluations of teacher based on that.
Because the other standardized tests are «low - stakes tests,» without any reward or punishment attached to student or school performance, the authors reason that there are few incentives to manipulate the results or cheat, making the low - stakes test results a reliable measure of student performance (although it is also possible that schools and students won't prepare enough for a low - stakes test to demonstrate their true abilities).
Because test scores will be used to penalize low - scoring schools, they will act as high - stakes tests for teachers and administrators especially in schools serving high proportions of poor and minority students.
The most difficult part is being a small cog in a system bent on classroom and curriculum control because of high - stakes testing.
A teacher tells you he «boosted» his students» high - stakes tests» scores because his kids needed to show a certain level of improvement or he would face sanctions.
Nearly one - third of all fourth - and eighth - grade students in Louisiana may be held back this year because of the state's new high - stakes testing program designed to boost student competency in basic skills.
Choosing this test as a basis for considering the impact of high - stakes tests on students in the 4th and 8th grades (ages 9 and 13, respectively) is a sensible idea, because the validity and reliability of NAEP, often called the «nation's report card,» are well accepted.
This is a huge job, but testing is at the center of all this, because we're going to have high - stakes assessments on which the teachers in schools are evaluated.
«A Popular Principal Wounded by Good Intentions» tells the story of a «highly regarded» Burlington school leader who was dismissed because of dreaded high stakes testing forced on the district by the dreaded federal government.
That's because its decision to condition ESEA flexibility on state adoption of teacher evaluation systems has not only raised the stakes of reading and math tests (making them less popular and potentially more damaging to the educational enterprise).
Already under the gun because of high - stakes testing, as well as time and budget constraints, some educators flinch at the thought of creating such ambitious real - world projects or coordinating new partnerships with people outside the school.
Young people in the United States today, she says, are suffering because of «school stress, the college admissions process, high - stakes testing, cutthroat competition, the emphasis on stardom rather than on enjoyment of activities, sleep deprivation, parental pressure, the push for perfectionism, the need for escapism, the Age of Comparison, [and] the loss of leisure and childhood...» Among her favorite culprits for this state of affairs are testing in general, the SAT in particular, the «Nation at Risk» report, and the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), which she believes turned elementary schools and junior high schools into testing factories.
The problem of minority overrepresentation in special education is particularly troubling, according to the researchers, because of the growing use of high stakes tests that burden poorly taught children with diploma denial and grade level retention.
Because accountability depends greatly on the proper use of high - quality assessment, you should also visit The Case against High - Stakes Testing and The Case for Authentic Assessment.
The greatest impact was for low - achieving students, largely because the overwhelming majority of higher - achieving students had completed the exam before the onset of high - stakes testing.
I did this because I believe these high - stakes tests (which are required for graduation) are biased, irrelevant, and completely unnecessary.
This is historic because it is the first time that a legislative body has sent a clear directive to the DOE, NYSED and Governor that high stakes standardized tests must be replaced by multiple measures.
INDIANAPOLIS (AP)-- School districts across several states are rescheduling high - stakes tests that judge student proficiency and even determine teachers» pay because of technical problems involving the test administrators» computer systems.
Chris Hayes compares opting out of high - stakes tests to opting out of immunizations, after which Diane responds that making such a comparison is completely inappropriate because «one has a scientific basis [and] the other has none.»
That's because Gov. Jerry Brown and lawmakers understood that to make the standards work, we need to delink them from the high - stakes tests.
Just because a student receives extended time on a school exam, is provided with a scribe, or has the test read to him or her is no guarantee that he or she will receive these same accommodations on these high stakes tests.
This is because, «[in] effect... states have been running in place» (p. 2) and not using teachers» primarily test - based indicators for high - stakes decision - making.
I doubt it because the Courant is fully behind the corporate education and high - stakes testing movement.
After years of tinkering with the state's education policy, including withdrawing from the national Common Core standards, the decisions by the GOP - majority Legislature now pose a political liability, because parents and educators have become increasingly weary of high - stakes testing.
The attention to each state's annual assessment has led some to refer to these tests as «high stakes» because important decisions about students could result from state test scores.
Teaching unions are opposed to the Sats tests and some boycotted them three years ago, saying that they forced teachers to «teach to the test», marking was unreliable and the results were too «high - stakes» because of the league tables.
The basic argument for interim assessments is actually quite compelling: let's fix our students» learning problems during the year, rather than waiting for high - stakes state tests to make summative judgments on us all at the end of the year, because interim assessments can be aggregated and have external referents (projection to standards, norms, scales).
«It will absolutely affect instruction, hands down, because the June test will have exponentially higher stakes, and everyone is going to be teaching to that test
Robinson says she wants her children to learn to love reading on their own — not because they must learn to read to pass a high - stakes test.
My first wondering is which of these groups are tied to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation because the Gates Foundation has been a central driver behind the Common Core State Standards and maintaining high - stakes, standardized testing as a central tool for decision - making.
According to organizers, the rally is being called «Win Back Wednesday» because public education must be «won back» from the profit - driven entities behind high - stakes testing and school privatization schemes and returned to actual stakeholders: parents, students, and educators.
Sadly, many poor children miss out on the arts, because they are prepping for high - stakes tests.
Because of the high stakes of the SBAC tests, English teachers, especially in schools with a history of low standardized test scores,, prepare students for the test by adhering to the pedagogy prescribed by the Common Core.
To millions of parents and educators nationwide, the implementation of Common Core still fits that image of confused people with measuring sticks because Common Core and the high stakes tests that have come along with it have created more anxiety and confusion for students and teachers alike than ever before.
High stakes testing is an inaccurate measure of the knowledge of students because it rates them based on how they did on a single day and on a single test rather than on how they did during a full year of work and on many different kinds of assessment methods.
The Education Department told schools and the federal government that there would be no high - stakes consequences for test scores in 2015 and 2016 because schools needed time to adapt to new exams and a new rating system.
Because the stakes attached to these tests are different for different communities, this new movement against standardized testing would do well to embrace a multifaceted approach.
Many children in the lower grades already are under stress related to high - stakes testing, and this new system will increase anxiety because of how results are will be used.
POP quiz: (We hope you've been paying attention because this is a high - stakes test; wrong answers may lead to the dismantling of our schools...
The reviews are rolling in for the book I had the privileged editing, More Than a Score: The New Uprising Against High Stakes Testing, from the most prestigious book industry trade journals and progressive news outlets, and I am simply overwhelmed by the early critical acclaim — because what starts as a book club discussion, can end in an education revolution to reclaim assessment from the «testocracy.»
But because there was cheating, which may be the result of the high - stakes testing, honest teachers got fired because their honest scores couldn't compete with the cheaters.
In a video released on the network's website, Ravitch says families should opt out of state - mandated high - stakes testing in part because the scores provide «no useful information» about the abilities of individual students and are unfairly used to evaluate educators.
Because student performance on the state ELA and math tests is used to calculate scores on the Teacher Data Reports, the tests are high - stakes for teachers; and because New York City uses a similar statistical strategy to rank schools, they are high - stakes for schools aBecause student performance on the state ELA and math tests is used to calculate scores on the Teacher Data Reports, the tests are high - stakes for teachers; and because New York City uses a similar statistical strategy to rank schools, they are high - stakes for schools abecause New York City uses a similar statistical strategy to rank schools, they are high - stakes for schools as well.
According to the Reuters article, Chicago's first CEO, Paul Vallas, «ushered in high - stakes testing: Thousands of students a year were held back a grade or denied entry into high school because they couldn't pass standardized tests.
This change allows schools to continue to count the high - stakes test scores of students who are no longer classified as LEP, because they have attained English proficiency, in the LEP subgroup for two additional years after they have become English proficient.
Imagine kindergartners bubbling answer sheets just after they learn to hold pencils, high school students who complete all their graduation requirements but aren't able to pass the exit examination and graduate because they haven't received the remediation they need, or students being asked to take high - stakes tests in a language they haven't mastered yet.
This teacher asked that her name and school be omitted from this report because of the hostile environment that the Seattle School district has created in issuing threats to teachers who oppose high - stakes testing.
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