Sentences with phrase «stale after a few games»

Like almost all sports games, the commentary does get stale after a few games.

Not exact matches

There are very few managers in football or any sport for that matter, who have coached for over 20 years who haven't seen the game pass them by or their message get stale after so long.
That being said, after a few days of non-stop addiction this game grows very stale.
While the bulk of the single player games grow stale after one or two outings, there are a few highlights to the pack.
The truth is I adore this game, and yet it's fair to say that after a few games it can begin to feel stale since there aren't many options for gaining points aside from racing other players to the best raiding spots.
The problem with most open - world games, as mentioned before, is the fact that environments and locations can feel barren and stale after a few hours of exploration.
The Command and Conquer series was a staple in the real time strategy genre, but after the last few games, the series did become stale and just all around lackluster.
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