Sentences with phrase «stammer when»

Emily Blunt feels «relieved» if she doesn't win awards.The 27 - year - old British actress - who had a stammer when she was younger - hates having to...
Emily Blunt feels «relieved» if she doesn't win awards.The 27 - year - old British actress - who had a stammer when she was younger - hates having to speak out in public so doesn't get upset if she...
As Karl Barth said, we can't fathom the Second Advent of Jesus Christ, and we stammer when we try to speak of it.
Stammering when I ask your address only to hand the phone to your spouse.
Even the disciples who had seen all these miracles stuttered and stammered when faith was challenged during that dark day!

Not exact matches

When the condolence line deposited me in front of Miss Emerson's shell - shocked parents, I stammered out, «Sorry about all this,» and stalked away.
But when he answered, all I could stammer out was Kevin, I'm sorry.»
When the day comes, he is shaking with fear and scarcely able to stammer out his sins.
I do know many Evangelicals who stammer and stutter when you point out an OT law that they aren't following.
«It was like that when I got here,» I stammer.
Speech - language pathologist Patricia McAleer Hamaguchi explains how to tell when your child's stammering is normal and when to...
They hope every two years that Klein will see the light and return to the fold but they stammer and trip over themselves when they have to follow through.
When you identified upper - and lowercase, the left - hand column was easy and the right - hand column caused you to slow down and perhaps to stammer or stumble.
It's already clear Mindy's interview isn't going to go well as an all - male panel stammers the words «single mom» at her and asks if she's able to keep her emotions in check when making tough decisions.
So, given that Luck is strongest when the show is at its most elusive, eliding past plot points to get to a deeper truth, the strongest thread this week belonged to stammering jockey agent Joey Rathburn (Richard Kind), whose simmering financial / professional tensions have finally come to a boil.
MacDowell is sublime as Ann Mullany in Sex, Lies, And Videotape, right from the opening scene, in which she blushes and stammers and can't keep from laughing when Ann's therapist asks her whether she masturbates.
Even well - meaning social workers and investigators, believing Orlando beat her and she retaliated given the bruises on his body when he was admitted to the hospital, misgender her at times, the stammering inadequacies of traditional language around gender doing both parties a disservice.
When last seen, British director Tom Hooper had just overseen a historical biography about a stammering monarch, someone who felt ill - equipped to take the throne, a chap who couldn't get a sentence out without scrunching up in agony.
But the heart and soul of this educational and deliciously entertaining period piece is the student - teacher relationship of Bertie and Lionel, a man who learned his trade dealing with shell - shocked soldiers returning from World War I. Lionel tries to figure out when Bertie doesn't stammer.
But unlike his sober, stentorian - voiced father, the eventual George VI (father of Queen Elizabeth II) is hopelessly tongue - tied when it comes to public speaking, the victim of an acute stammer that turns ordinary conversation into a humiliating succession of false starts and too - long pauses.
«Acquire and use accurately grade - appropriate general academic and domain - specific words and phrases, including those that signal precise actions, emotions, or states of being (e.g., quizzed, whined, stammered) and that are basic to a particular topic (e.g., wildlife, conservation, and endangered when discussing animal preservation).»
I rarely stutter or stammer now — only occasionally when I am utterly exhausted or extremely nervous — but it can crop up on rare occasions and the fear is always there.
But when you are presented with a share repurchase, such as the case of Netflix, what you can do is consider whether you still believe in the company, said Stammers.
According to Robert Stammers, director of investor education for the CFA Institute, share buybacks can be beneficial, but whether you win or lose when presented with a tender offer will partly depend on the state of the company's balance sheet and its growth prospects.
Margolin was particularly impressed when the Parkland students confronted lawmakers about accepting money from the NRA — which produced some predictably awkward stammers.
We became conditioned, over the course of the picture, to listen to the King's stammer so that when it came time for him to give an important anti-Fascist speech, we — the modern audience — held our breath waiting for him to stammer.
«When I look back on my life,» he reflects in our January issue, «I see a sheltered Jewish child, a rebellious young adult, a revolutionary, a soldier, a stammering, helpless immigrant, and many, many, other things.
I complimented them on their concern for the public's interests, however, all I got is a stammer, long silent pauses, meaningless words of explanation but no substance when I suggested that other big interest groups serving the public such as banks, oil companies, trust companies, insurance companies and the like have certainly not captured their attention as much as CREA.
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