Sentences with phrase «stamps out»

Finally he stamps out his cigarette and says, «Any more questions?»
It humanizes you and stamps out a counter-productive image of over polished perfection.
It wasn't all plain sailing for the moustache though; back home British citizens were looking on it as a sign of their boys «going native» and it was nearly stamped out completely.
As entrepreneurs and business owners, the questions of whether inequality is a problem and the steps the U.S. should take to stamp it out are obviously murkier.
Major internet companies on Monday doubled down on their efforts to stamp out terrorist and extremist content online, creating a collaborative forum to share data and cooperate with counter-terrorism agencies and organizations.
She says that some forms of Spectre attack are more «difficult» to execute on an AMD - based system than others, but the company will work hard to stamp out all variants.
Traditional manufacturing involves making a mold and then stamping out thousands of clones, he explains, but «in our production every piece is unique,» and consequently much costlier.
If international regulators want to stamp out tax avoidance, Lew said countries with «very low» rates in hopes of attracting foreign companies are «part of the problem.»
Treasurer Eric Ripper said the move was aimed at stamping out the practice of Governments offering financial incentives to lure companies and events from one State to another.
«I'm disappointed that Queensland doesn't yet see the merit in stamping out this economically inefficient practice.»
But without a consensus from the economic community, it would be unwise to risk stamping out the economic recovery by sparking a trade war with China over currency disputes or drastically reducing the budget deficit.
Even if Facebook does want to stamp out fake news, it has to rely on human beings to flag those stories as hoaxes.
He had his staff spend two years and close to $ 2 million building a complex computer program called Pipeline, which tracks the cost of every second of every call so that he can find and stamp out any inefficiencies hiding in the traffic.
Prompted by how little companies had moved the needle in stamping out workplace harassment, the EEOC in 2015 formed a select task force to study the issue.
She repeated that line last week and called for «prudence,» effectively stamping out any rate rise speculation..
Twitter's co-founder and part - time CEO Jack Dorsey said recently that abuse «has no place on Twitter» and he intends to stamp it out.
The company has taken a number of steps to try to stamp out fake news, including setting up a process whereby it takes fact - checking and verification efforts from third - party outlets like Politifact and Snopes, and shows users when a particular story is being questioned or has been debunked.
The plan is China's contribution to a global effort to stamp out the common practice of multinationals altering the price put on labor, services or intangible asset transfers within global operations to allow firms to divert profits to low - tax countries.
What a savings in capital expenditures for Nicholas Graham, founder of Joe Boxer Corp., whose machines have been stamping out the same underpants pattern for five straight years.
«Having this realization didn't mean I needed to wallow in every unhelpful habit and self - destructive pattern; it meant that I could stop thinking about «bad» traits as if they were alien, loathsome flaws that I had to stamp out entirely,» she wisely writes.
The city grew to 1.8 million people in the 1950s, luring them with plentiful jobs and paid good wages to stamp out automobile for sale across the globe.
And Facebook is trying to stamp it out.
The more you try to stamp out precarious jobs, the more damage you do to the jobs market.
But that has prompted regulators in the country to crack down on the cryptocurrency sector, in a bid to stamp out potential financial risks as consumers pile into a highly risky and speculative market that has seen unprecedented growth this year.
While there's a whole compliance department to stamp out such problems, sometimes an issue requires specialized skills.
The downfall of Hollywood titan Weinstein has been a catalyst for a movement to stamp out workplace harassment, particularly the variety that pits powerful men against much less powerful women.
She points to a few issues on which there's a «clear path,» like stamping out tuberculosis in Inuit communities, which she says is a matter of putting in place «the X-ray machines and the human resources and the drugs and the housing.»
The London Metal Exchange (LME) recently introduced new regulations to stamp out the trade in metals from illegal mines.
When small inefficiencies can have ripple effects across the entire sales unit, you have to exploit every available opportunity to stamp them out.
As its defenders point out, it will be difficult for the U.S. government to completely stamp out Bitcoin use, since there is no central repository for the currency and no central authority that can be targeted (there is a FAQ with some responses to popular misconceptions about Bitcoin, including the central authority question).
Algeria, Morocco, Bolivia, Ecuador, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal and Bangladesh have all issued bans — or at least begun the process — on bitcoin and other alternative currencies, in order to stamp out tax evasion and irresponsible trading.
In a report from Forbes, sources close to the the Financial Services Agency (FSA), which approves licenses to digital currency exchanges, claim that the agency is taking the necessary steps to stamp out the use of certain cryptocurrencies that are favoured by criminals and hackers.
On the other extreme the RC seems to think that their powers and wisdom is such that they can legislate and achieve some sort of perfect result, stamping out all wrongdoing in the financial services industry.
And you often won't know which one to stamp out first.
Syncopated Ladies join the women's revolution, stamping out patriarchy and redefining the social order.
Didn't look so pretty after they stamped out the churches in the 20s and 30s.
and to stamp it out with a vengeance.
It is not to be tolerated, but stamped out and destroyed.
They did not make laws for the goverment to stamp out religion like the communist ACLU is doing.
This was not the only time when they were the book burners trying to stamp out any alternate religions they felt threatened their controlling grip.
Teachers at the Jesuit high school I attended urged students to protect themselves when they became sexually active, to use condoms to stamp out the risk of contracting a viral sexually transmitted disease that would affect the rest of their lives.
Of course, Christians often turned on one another as well in an effort to stamp out any Christian groups who deviated from orthodoxy.
In my mind, it's not that there is a movement to stamp out Christianity, but rather one to force religion, of any organized faith into areas where it has no place.
The actual true doctrine of Jesus could have been recorded in some of the ruled out books and practiced by groups of Christians that the stronger party in Rome declared «heretic» and stamped out long ago.
Inquisitions, by contrast, usually succeed: The Catholic Church succeeded in stamping out broadly held heresies, as in the Albigensian Crusade of 1220 - 1229, which destroyed between 200,000 and 1,000,000 inhabitants of Cathar - controlled towns in Southern France.
«Civilization» does not need to be stamped out nor put down as evil corruption.
Those who become avenging angels, attempting to stamp out evil without any thought of loving - mercy have caused more harm than the willful sinners among us.
Big fish like Hoyt must stamp out any signs of independent life, and little fish like Charlotte eventually submit to the ruthlessly enforced authority of the in crowd.
It is somewhat ironic that the fundamentalist Taliban was doing its best to stamp out the production of opium in Afghanistan, but their defeat by American forces has allowed the opium trade once again to flourish.
It was the church's attempt to stamp out paganism by usurping their holiday; I guess it worked.
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