Sentences with phrase «stand idly by»

But, as parents are already well aware, kids don't exactly warm to activities requiring them to stand idly by while an adult does most of the work.
Don't stand idly by if you want to remove credit scores from the criteria car insurance companies use to determine your rates.
Faced with a legal profession unable or unwilling to provide affordable legal services to clients whom and in communities where they have little economic interest, do you suppose governments will stand idly by?
Therefore we will not stand idly by when we see local actions that will contribute to climate destabilization.»
In truth, there is a growing worldwide movement to reduce the human release of CO2 into the atmosphere, because a growing number of us are not going stand idly by and let deniers such as yourself destroy the world.
We know that successful civil disobedience actions like those on May 8th — coupled with pressuring our cities, churches, universities and local non-profits to sever ties with the banks enabling the climate crisis — represent the most effective way for us to tell CEOs like Chase's Jamie Dimon that we will not stand idly by as you profit from the destruction of our planet.
We will not stand idly by as Ryan Zinke's Department of the Interior runs roughshod over human rights and climate justice in their zeal to give away this special place to the dirty fuels industry.»
«As Americans, none of us should be content to stand idly by and let this important resource be wasted through fugitive emissions and unnecessary venting.»
This enclosure ensures the docile creatures have just enough cover to let them stand idly by as a breeze rustles softly through the undergrowth, they are blind to the hostility of the world around them.
Ryanair's Kenny Jacobs said officials «can not stand idly by and allow another summer of disruption and travel misery for European consumers to take place».
That said, I will not stand idly by while opponents of feral / free - roaming cats — and TNR in particular — mishandle, misconstrue, and misrepresent the research for PR purposes.
Every gift, no matter what size, sends the clear message that Bucks County cares deeply about animals and will not stand idly by when they are abused.»
Dana didn't stand idly by any longer.
The Bank of Canada will not stand idly by if we are afflicted by the «dutch disease».
Garrett added, «This debt is a huge threat to America... I will not stand idly by as Social Security goes bankrupt and millennials drown in debt.»
That doesn't mean libraries and government have to stand idly by though.
We will not stand idly by as we see the integrity of Florida's educational institutions crumble because our leadership fails to provide us a proper foundation to build Florida's future.»
Opting one's children out of the SBAC test not only protects those students from the negative aspects of the testing program but it sends a powerful message to the state's elected and appointed officials that parents will not stand idly by as the SBAC testing scam is used to undermine public education in Connecticut.
«We will not stand idly by while others decide our future.
And, as seen in Jersey City, where the pastors at the event at which Epps spoke seemed to nod approvingly at his statements, they stand idly by as the most - abusive of teachers and leaders continue their malpractice.
But when he meets Teri, a young girl under the control of ultra-violent Russian gangsters, he can't stand idly by ---- he has to help her.
There's a constant sense of danger as Heineman spends time shadowing Mexican doctor José Mireles, head of the heavily armed Autodefensas, around his state of Michoacán as his group engages in firefights with the cartels, protecting their own neighborhoods as the local authorities stand idly by.
LCV officials didn't stand idly by; they made it happen.
Are the dads among us doomed to stand idly by, clueless and bereft of meaningful emotional contact, while mothers reap the endocrinological, neurological, and emotional benefits of motherhood?
«We will not stand idly by as workers are deprived of their hard - earned wages and robbed of their most basic rights,» Cuomo said.
«We can not stand idly by and let the killing continue without trying to prevent it,» said Rice, a Democrat and first - term congresswoman from Garden City (and former Nassau County DA).
He quoted Leviticus 19:16 in Hebrew scriptures, which reads in part: «Do not stand idly by the blood of your neighbor.»
The Cuomo administration was not going to stand idly by while the federal government drained some $ 2 billion annually from its bottom line, even if it offered a similar scale of relief to local taxpayers.
«I made the decision to get into this race because I could not stand idly by while I witnessed career politicians drive us to perilous debt levels that threaten our future as a nation.
The Labor Movement in New York worked for nearly a decade to pass the Health and Compensation Act and will not stand idly by while it is whittled away.
«As a city, as a society, we can not stand idly by in the face of these facts.»
«We will not stand idly by while the federal government targets middle and working class New Yorkers — we must speak up now, mobilize to stop these devastating cuts and stand up for our New York values.»
The Minority wishes to serve notice to the Nana Akuffo Addo Government that it would not stand idly by for the government, either through its surrogates or through dubious legal measures, to hound legitimately qualified and appointed officials of state and especially those of the Electoral Commission who are independent, out of office.
«We can not stand idly by while Republicans attack the sacred right to vote.
«In the face of hate, we will not stand idly by.
«We will not stand idly by while the federal government targets middle - and working - class New Yorkers,» Cuomo said.
She drew cheers as she told the Interior officials, «Long Islanders will not stand idly by as the federal government endangers our coastline.»
«What we want to do is send a message that we're not going to stand idly by if that happens.
``... As a resident of this district, I can not stand idly by and let this man continue to violate the public trust as he has.»
But nor can we afford to stand idly by when the threat is real and when it is in our own interests to intervene.
«This soccer field is an insult to the park, an insult to the community, and we will not stand idly by and let it happen,» said Greta Lear, a spokeswoman for the group, while standing outside the construction site Wednesday afternoon.
That's happening up front while, at the back, the defenders stand idly by as the ball slowly rolls past them and past a helpless Adam Bogdan into the back of the net.
if people stand idly by and look at something that is very wrong, and decide to do nothing about it, then they are even more responsible for the demise of our club more so than the french clown.
I would argue that the worst thing Christians did was stand idly by while our red - skinned brothers were oppressed and slaughtered.
We would morally condemn somebody who would, as Scripture puts it, «stand idly by the blood of [his] neighbor» (Leviticus 19:16).
We don't stand idly by and watch our brothers and sisters commit suicide by not sharing the Word of God with them.
«Because this is at some level a moral issue, and the religious community can not stand idly by and allow a moral issue like this to go without a comment,» said Carlos Campo, president of Virginia's Regent University, the college founded by evangelical icon Pat Robertson.
It's sickening to stand idly by and allow charities to be skimmed!
«The Jewish people have a saying: thou shall not stand idly by while your neighbor's blood is shed,» Goodman shared in an interview.
It is not my job to make anyone believe it, but it is my job to say it, and to not stand idly by whilst people point to other saviors.
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