Sentences with phrase «stand in a straight position»

To do it, you need to stand in a straight position.

Not exact matches

Without changing my position, and looking straight at the fire, I knew somehow that my friend A.H. was standing at my left elbow, but so far behind me as to be hidden by the armchair in which I was leaning back.
Yet the lines used to determine whether Mata had been standing in an offside position showed up on television footage as anything but straight, leading many viewers to think a decision had been using inexact information.
While there is an «open and engaged» manner that body language gurus profess, there is no decree saying that everyone has to stand straight, with their arms in an open position, gazing around the crowd or just slightly above it.
• Remove the spent cola bottle and place a new full bottle in the same position, again making sure that it is level and stably standing straight.
In one motion, stand up straight again and curl the kettlebell to your chest, back into the rack position.
Make it work: Stand straight then lower into a squat position with your hands on the floor in front of you.
Stand up straight, holding dumbbells in both hands with your feet positioned shoulder - width apart and your palms facing your sides.
Stand up all the way by powerfully exploding up out of the slight squat position that you caught the barbell in and simultaneously press the barbell straight up overhead to lockout using the momentum generated by your legs.
To perform the ab wheel rollout, start in a standing position with the wheel at your feet, arms and legs straight.
Lean away, keeping your body in a straight line — mimicing a plank position standing, with your core engaged.
In the start position you are standing as straight and upright as you can with your shoulders held back and your chest thrust out.
Next jump feet back in and come up to standing bringing dumbbell back to start position at navel area, bring dumbbell in one hand to shoulder level, bending elbow and holding dumbbell horizontally close to shoulder, then raise it up straight towards ceiling and back down to shoulder.
These ligaments are most effective at full extension (when you are standing straight) and full flexion (when the calves touch your thighs as in the ATG position of a high bar squat).
Set the safety rails somewhat lower than your waist so that your arms are straight when you're in a standing position.
Start at standing position and jump out legs wide while simultaneously bringing arms kept straight in a circle motion at side of body all the way up so hands meet overhead, then simultaneously jump feet back in close together and bring arms back down reversing the motion.
This means it should be in the same position relative to the body as when standing up with good posture, looking straight ahead.
5 Best Dumbbell ExercisesOverhead Press • Stand with feet wide, holding dumbbells with arms in a goal post position • Brace abs into spine and extend arms straight overhead.
Stand with feet wide, holding dumbbells with arms in a goal post position • Brace abs into spine and extend arms straight overhead.
For example, in a standing barbell curl, the biceps are fully stretched when the elbows are straight and the bar is at its lowest position, and the biceps are fully contracted when the bar is at its highest position.
For example, if you were doing standing barbell curls, one rep would be moving the barbell once by curling it from the starting position, which is standing with your arms straight down holding the bar in front of your thighs, raising it to in front of your chest, and lowering it to the starting position.
Start standing straight and holding Ugi in front close to body, take a step to the right and then squat down so that thighs are parallel with floor and touch Ugi to the ground between feet, come up and simultaneously step back in to the center (start position) and lift up high overhead.
That Johnny Boy is comparatively peripheral in Mean Streets may suggest the uniqueness of Scorsese's film in its relationship to movies in which the alienated hood stands in a position to manipulate perspective by ensconcing himself at the metaphysical core of his cinematic universe, but Johnny Boy's gangland genealogy traces back in a psychologically straight line to Hawks» Tony Camonte, and there is little doubt that Corman, Carver, and screenwriter Browne at least had Scarface in mind during the making of Capone.
Next, instruct all eight members of the team to stand in a circle about the size of the hula hoop with each persons hands in front of his / her body with index fingers pointing straight ahead, thumbs pointed up, and the remaining three fingers in a fisted position on each hand (pistol position).
Stand at the base of the tree, and hold a ruler straight out in front of you in a vertical position.
Ideally, you want to position your units around cover, with full cover completely protecting them from damage so long as it's standing between your unit and the enemy's shots, and half cover having a 50 % chance of protecting units from straight blaster fire if it's in the way.
Partin's three other photographs in the show feature women who engage with him in some way: The subject of «Bushwick II» (2010) stands topless, looking straight at the camera, her face half in shadow and her skin marked harshly by the sun; in contrast, the figure in «Bushwick I» (2012) sits folded over her knees, her body positioned away from the camera; and finally, «Ulster Park» (2012) captures a woman in a red leotard standing in the woods with a camera.
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