Sentences with phrase «stand in warm oven»

Turn off oven and let stand in warm oven for 10 minutes to become more crisp.

Not exact matches

As it starts to get warmer, I feel less inclined to turn on the oven or stove, so the crock pot is a great stand - in to have something warm without warming up the kitchen.
So I was standing in line at our local Sprouts Market a week or so ago and they were sampling their warm out of the oven Irish Soda Bread, you know... the gluten variety... ya so totally had to pass, but it was one of those moments when you're feeling a bit outta the tasting scene!
So there I was last weekend, again, standing in the kitchen, warm from the heat of the oven, with my hands white with flour and sticky with dough.
Let stand in a warm place (near the preheating oven) while preparing the rest of the batter; the milk will curdle.
Here's the rundown if you are interested: - outdated baking soda - overmixing the batter hinders rising and can cause sinking - if the batter stands too long before baking, it will sink in the middle - if your oven is too warm it can cause sinking: breads should not be baked at more than 350 degrees - too small of baking pan can cause the bread to sink in the middle - too much wet ingredients in the recipe or not measuring accurately can cause sinking
If I have the time, which I normally do, I let the rolls stand on the baking tray in the warm kitchen for about 15 minutes more before putting them into the hot oven.
Because it was a warm day and I didn't want to stand in front of a hot oven in a cocktail dress for any longer than I had to, I decided to take the buffalo chicken one in more of a cold salad direction instead of Angela's original hot appetizer.
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