Sentences with phrase «stand on other»

Mummy and Daddy expect to stand on the other side of the room while the photo is taken.
Ledges once reached by Hardboiled without so much as a grunt now require teammates to stand on each other's shoulders.
This rumor actually hit the web yesterday but there wasn't much for it to stand on other than a few screenshots that could have been easily doctored by any blogger, and blog posts pointing to said screenshots.
It's a unique experience to stand on the other side of good — to face the challenges of being a person in a position of power that's forced to do terrible things.
The kickstand on the back differs from the adjustable stand on other tablets (such as the Surface Pro 4) with its watchband - style hinge.
Girls stand on the other.
Where do the two groups stand on other topics in K - 12 education and school choice?
The reactions can be intense and likely revealing as to where Champions and Dissidents stand on the other important education issues.
Here are a few posts which take the stand on the other side of the argument.
«When you're brushing your teeth in the morning, stand on one leg for one minute, then stand on the other leg for a minute, trying to keep steady.
What better, they thought, than to take the name of an ancient priory that used to stand on the other side of the street?
But the group also takes a strong stand on other issues — such as toughening the fight against ISIS and tax reform — that Republicans generally agree upon, said Angelo, the group's president.
They cheat, they lie, they stand on other people's faces and sell their grandmothers and some of them steal.
Those naysayers now stand on the other side of the counter at Lawrence Deans Bake...
Stand on this side of the room if you strongly agree, stand on the other side of the room if you strongly disagree and stand in the middle of the room if you are unsure or undecided, Floyd instructed us.
I will stand on the other side.»
But the company doesn't take a strong stand on other controversial issues, like abortion or tax policies.
Tech companies also stand on the other side of a myriad of key issues from Trump, including immigration reform, encryption and a range of social concerns.
We know where he stands on other issues.
«The focus is on teams hitting goals as opposed to standing on other people's heads to get a new title, or something silly like that.
No, in fact, a binary options broker stands on the other side of the trade, meaning that a profitable trade for a trader is an unprofitable trade for the broker, and vice versa.
A few years later, Plato, standing on the other side of the line dividing oral from written, was himself profoundly disturbed by the impact of the new technology.
I could be standing on the other side of the gates we use to block off the kitchen, talking to her about what I'm doing, and she'll start screaming and bashing her hand against the gate because I am not holding her.
Here's where he stands on other key issues.
They stood on the other side of police barricades and chanted, «Close Rikers down!»
Unlike Saints Row IV's brilliantly heartfelt, personality - packed loyalty missions — each of which focused on a crew member's greatest fear or fantasy or whatever that thing with the giant soda can was — Gat Out Of Hell's quests are just side missions standing on each other's shoulders to impersonate something Big and Important.
Michigan students have also improved their standing on other tests.
The kids stood on the other.
This is triggered when someone is standing on the other side of the door and it will not allow the door to open until they are out of range, helping to keep all building users safe.
With her hair all wild like that, and standing on the other side of the gate with its lock and bars, the woman looks like a caged animal.
I imagine her standing on the other side of the room, screaming, calling me a slut.
I just think it's difficult for us, on this side of the digital divide, to remember that there are people standing on the other side of what can seem like an impassable gorge, wondering if they're going to be left behind.
Your standing on the other two factors determines the price of the car you can finance.
It may feel like throwing in the towel will relieve the pain and allow you to move on, but standing on the other side, let me tell you that it won't.
With people standing on the other side of the door?
Giant cacti dotted the landscape, looking like two men, one standing on the other's shoulders, holding their arms held up to the sky.
Fixed an issue allowing players submerged in ink on a wall to be detected by the aiming reticle of opponents standing on the other side of the wall.
Last Titan Standing on the other hand is a different beast, and my current favorite.
The results of such selfishness are frequently amusing though, and friends come with other benefits: characters can stand on each others» heads to easily access areas tougher to reach alone, as well as team up on bosses.
This time, Mickey» brought Donald Duck with him, and in two - player mode, the pair traverse the platform landscape together, assisting each other with ropes or standing on each other's shoulders.
DONA NELSON: I have an assistant that stands on the other side of the canvas.
Then my assistant, in this case it was Christine Mills, who's a video artist, she stood on the other side, and I would push the painted string, which is stiff through the hole, then she takes it, and then she pushes it through another hole.
On closer examination, it reveals itself as mirrored glass with a replica of the settings in which the viewer is standing on the other side, making them acutely aware of their context; of viewing themselves inside an installation.
The destruction of a government - funded test of a genetically modified wheat variety in Australia on July 14 threatens to completely marginalize the group, and presumably will undercut its credibility when it takes stands on other issues, from climate to palm oil.
Clerks get to learn what to do when they are standing on the other side of the bar.
There are also new far - field mics so Cortana can understand you better even when you're standing on the other side of the room, and while there's not much to say about the Yoga 920's touchpad and keyboard besides that they work, having multiple levels of backlighting can be helpful at times.
Because who was standing on the other side of that door, but Bunny herself!

Not exact matches

Such a person no doubt loses something in the way of geniality and light - heartedness; on the other hand, he is largely independent of the opinions, habits and judgments of his fellow and avoids the temptation to take his stand on such insecure foundations.»
Authorship information with a photo makes the entry stand out from other results on the page.
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