Sentences with phrase «stand on scripture»

It kills joy and has people thinking they aren't good enough — I stand on the scripture, «Psalm 139:14»..
They could stand on scripture alone as the Word's final address to fallen human beings.
During the seven months between diagnosis and death, we prayed, we stood on scripture, we spoke nothing but positive and healing and God's word.

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New Testament Fulfillment: «When he came to the village of Nazareth, his boyhood home, he went as usual to the synagogue on the Sabbath and stood up to read the Scriptures.
Some Scripture lines stand on their own.
He then turned on his heel and walked away from the pulpit, ending a 20 - minute address that was peppered with references to Scripture and often interrupted with loud standing ovations from worshippers.
But because of the convictions of some of my brothers and sisters to not serve them I am not going to «turn on them» for what they believe scripture is teaching them to stand up for.
Scripture points to how we should stand on this issue.
If he wants to help the poor, he can reverse the Church's stand on birth control, which is just an old theological paper written by Pope John Paul, that has no basis in scripture.
In it, Justin makes the case for a hermeneutic of love as well as anyone I've read, and his Christocentric approach to Scripture is one that can benefit all Christians, regardless of how they interpret the passages discussed above and regardless of where they stand on same - sex relationships.
You have to study scripture and take a stand on the truth and not be concerned about what others think.
Yet Scripture expects us to stand with Aristotle, so to speak, on this matter: «Thou visitest the earth and waterest it, thou greatly enrichest it; the river of God is full of water; thou providest their grain, for sothou hast prepared it.
Both of these points, that early statements were based primarily on the narrative of Scripture and the behavior of believers, will become critical later in this chapter for understanding how we as twenty - first century followers of Jesus can stand up for the truth without the damaging and destructive statements of doctrine that have divided Christianity for so long.
When Jesus said,» Why have you forsaken me» he said this because God the Father turned His back on Him, not because of how bad he had been beaten, because the scriptures made it clear that «it pleased the Father to crush Him», but because God hates sin and can't stand to look at it and because Jesus took on the sins of the entire world he became sin and when God the Father looked at Him he saw sin.
Yet even on these terms it should remain possible for an interpretive community to make a conscious decision to hear the Bible as scripture, to believe in the coercive and constraining force of the Bible's own unique literary construction, and to regard itself as trying to live out the demands of a word and a God that stand over it, in continuity with communities of faith within the Bible and in the church's ongoing history of interpretation.
One can ask that question standing on the edge of Yosemite Valley, as naturalist John Muir did, or standing in awe on the rim of the Grand Canyon and reaching out for the hand of someone next to you as you look at — as the first episode of my series The National Parks describes it — «the scripture of nature.»
It was an interesting idea until more science demolished the evolutionary hypothication with out appeal to scripture which is still standing on God spoken creation.
In the worship of the Sufi these sacred scriptures lie upon the altar on which stand seven candlesticks.
In building his case for why we can still believe the Bible, Blomberg effectively positions himself between liberal scholars who refuse to acknowledge the firm textual base on which the scriptures stand and ultraconservatives who insist on a rigidly literal reading of the Bible (often in the King James only) in the face of legitimate developments in our understanding of ancient manuscripts and genres.
Not to mention scripture is clear in its definition of what constitutes a marriage, and where it stands on homosexuality throughout the Old and New Testament.
This entire world is the union of prakrti and purusha according to Samkhya school that stood on the edifice of vedic scriptures (11)(12).
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